Chapter 18

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A.N. Dam i just cant let him be happy can i? no i cant and i plan to add another twist later in the story so this will hopefully be a long story.


He looked up to see Hestia standing over him. "You were gone a whole extra day then you should have been. I was watching, you shouldn't have done that to the daughter of Athena."

"She pushed my limits, i was done with her."

"You shouldn't have removed your disguise either, I know she's your sister, but word got to the gods and Zeus is hunting for you again."

"I want to tell them."

"So now you won't be able to leave... you what?" Her eyes bugged out of her head.

"Its ok im not leaving you, i will still be a champion of Hestia and will still go on missions, but i want to be able to go and see Sage and Piper and the rest of my friends. I think it's time, it's been five years now. I won't live at camp full time, but this way i have a place to go."

"Ok Percy if you want to do this we can do this. I can ask Zeus to call a meeting."

"Is he going to smite me? Because i refuse to die until you and Hades get thrones on the council since you are the two most worthy."

"And i've told you, you don't need to do that, i'm ok without a throne."

"And i have told you that i understand you're ok with it, but i'm not. You need a throne, maybe we can get the Olympians to stop acting like little kids. I told Hermes that i believe the gods can change their ways and i'm going to make them."

"And how are you going to do that?" She crossed her arms.

"That new prophecy, they are going to want their big main hero with the seven right. Well it's simple, they grow up and give you a throne i help, they don't i go into hiding again and won't help them fight. Also how about instead of calling a council meeting i just wait till the Winter Solstice, this way you aren't to blame and i can make a grand entrance."

"Ok we will wait, it is only a month right." he nodded and they went off to bed.

One Month Later

Percy ran through the forest, something was off. He had just dropped a son of Hermes off at camp and the entire time he felt as if he was being followed. He kept his disguise up so people would think he was gone again. It was one week before he was going to reveal himself to the council. He ran away from camp not wanting to risk stopping to flash away not knowing what was following him.

He finally thought he was far enough away that he could flash home safely. He stopped to catch his breath, yes he had increased stamina and had built it up over the years, but he had just run very far to get away. He was catching his breath and prepared himself to flash away. He thought about the entrance hall of Hestia he felt himself disappear, but not the way he was used to. This fire was harsh and bright and deadly. Not the homey fire of Hestia. He opened his eyes and saw he was in the underworld. He looked up and saw the face of a Titan.

Koios looked down at him. "Hello son of Poseidon, you can take you little disguise away i know it's you, if you don't i will just have to force it off. He touched Percy's head he felt his disguise melt away. "You see you thought you got all of us but Kronos wasn't stupid, my brothers might not have reformed yet and some might never thanks to you and that little blond brat.

"I prefer the word bitch for her." he mumbled to himself.

Koios let out a deep laugh. "Not on the best of terms, then i guess you won't mind being the commander of my new army for the Titans?"

"First i would never do that and Kronos was stupid if he wasn't wouldn't he be ruling the world by now? And do you really think one Titan and an army of monsters can bring down Olympus? You had many more Titans last time and an army of monsters along with Typhon and you were still defeated."

"Maybe i can change you mind, remember monsters regenerate, so do Titans. We might have to wait a few years, but you will have sworn your loyalty by then. Then the world will fear the name Koios. Now let's go loosen your tongue." He caught Percy off guard so he couldn't fight back, they traveled away to where Percy realized was the field of punishments, nobody would notice him screaming here.

Percy fought back hard, Koios took Riptide and his other weapons and Riptide had not returned. So he punched and kicked and did everything in his power to stop the Titan, but he couldn't summon any water or storms down here and Koios had a lot of muscle. He tied him to a wall and started the torture.

It was horrible he would punch and kick and carve him with a knife. He gained many new scars and many new broken bones, but he never gave in. His brain was racing to find a plan, but he couldn't think of any.

There was a pool of blood around him over the dried blood from the past days. How many days have they been at this? He didn't know. All he knew was he was going to die soon. He had Riptide, but he couldn't get to the sword and all his other weapons were long gone.

He coughed up more blood. He was losing hope fast. 'Hestia will notice she will notice your gone and get help.' That was his last thought before he blacked out.

"I guess we will go again tomorrow little hero." Koios watched Percy Jackson blackout as he walked away.

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