Chapter 36

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Percy changed into just a dark blue t-shirt with black jeans and went to dinner. It was very casual with the primordials and Generals. He became fast friends with all of them but he talked most with Emm, Ryder, and Bella. They started training the next days, the other generals were training him in his powers while Chaos and Gaea did normal fighting. They started archery and were shocked to see he was actually a very good shot. He asked Chaos everyday when he could go get some of his dead friends and if he could visit earth. They answers were always 'later' and 'no'.

Despite not being able to see Piper or Artemis he loved it in Shining City. He loved his new friends, he loved his training, he love the people, and he love spending time with the Primorials. Gaea had almost taken a motherly position while he was here, her and Chaos. He really loved Gaea, she reminded him of his mother, he loved spending time with her. He also loved how the Primordials were ok with talking with their generals the civilians, unlike the gods.

The Primorials and gods were very different from each other, the Primorials hated being bowed to and treated everyone as an equal. People could always come for help and it would always be given, he began to like it here more than earth.

1000 Years Later.

After 1000 years here Percy has master his water and fire powers along with shadows, earth, and the sky. He could control time quite well and Chronos had only a bit more to teach him. He mastered Anake's powers where had complete control over himself and could whisper in the minds of others to make them complete their deepest urges. That came in handy on quite a few pranks. He also was almost finished with controlling light and with Nesoi's powers he could create and destroy islands with a single thought, he could also move them.

He fell asleep after a day of training to a horrid nightmare.

He was in camp before he even knew about the Primorials, he was starting to be happy again without the hunt. He longed for Artemis to be there to talk to and to spend his time with the girls. He walked through the forest hunting monsters keeping his skills he learned in the hunt sharp when he heard a noise. He turned around.

Out stepped surrounding him was Jack and his henchmen. Percy knew he could take the three in front of him, then he realized the whole gang was here. Many of them were new campers from the five years he had been gone.

"You know, i don't really like you being back here. You stole my girl, stole the camp back, and humiliated me and caused me to look like an idiot." Jack spoke.

"You don't really need help on the whole idiot thing." Jack growled. "And i didn't steal the camp because none of them like you, and your girl never really loved you, and anyways i'm in love with someone else."

"Well if that's how you're going to be, we can see if being with those girl scouts softened you up 'war hero'." He spat it as an insult.

Jack pulled a wickedly sharp silver dagger and nodded. Percy was jumped on from behind, gagged, and disarmed. He couldn't fight back as they tied him up. Jack stepped forward.

"This is for beating me." He started carving with the knife. Percy screamed. How was the blade cutting him? "This one is for Annabeth." More screaming. He tried as hard and he could to keep the tears from running down him face. "And the camp."

Once Jack had finished carving his body he threw him in the river where it closed the cuts, but did not heal the scars.

When Percy got back to his cabin he inspected the worlds on his body. He had 'murder' on his arm, 'weakling' on his leg, and 'burden' on his back. Over time they grew so faint that they were impossible to see unless you looked for them, which he always did.

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