Chapter 12

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A.N. Flash Back i don't know what to put here just read the chapter and do some stuff


She had walked into breakfast to have Percy run up and kiss her on the cheek before stealing her plate and taking it over to his table.

"What are you doing Seaweed Brain? Give me back my food."

"Sorry Wise Girl you have to come and get it." He sprinted across the pavilion with Annabeth chasing him to Piper amusement. He sat down at the Poseidon table and put her food down next to his.

"Now what was the point of this?" She said as she sat down.

"I was lonely and couldn't get you attention, you were lost in thought. I just wanted to spend some time with my Wise Girl. Is that so wrong?" A pang of compassion and guilt ran through her at how oblivious he was. He didn't know that while everyone was out for the day she would be 'working' while Jack was in her cabin. She shouldn't be doing this to him, she should dump Jack.

She steeled her nerves and put on her annoyed face. "There's nothing wrong with the Seaweed Brain, but can i go back to my table now?" She made a move to leave, but he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his lap.

"That's not ok Wise Girl, you have to suffer through breakfast with me." She did an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes but responded none the less.

"I guess i must, but can i sit in my own seat?" He huffed but released her nonetheless, he did keep a loose hand in hers. She caught Jack's eye, he look angry and jealous. Another pang of guilt, she decided she was going to cut it off with Jack, Percy never had to know. She would tell him eventually but not now.

The two ate in comfortable silence before Annabeth stood. "I have to go work on my blueprints. I'll see you at lunch ok." He slightly pouted but nodded, she gave him a kiss and left the pavilion.

Later in her cabin she had messy notes and blueprints scattered all across her desk. The door opened and she looked up and saw Jack.

"Hey Wise Girl." She made a noise in her throat, nobody was aloud to call her Wise Girl besides Percy and he knew it.

"Fine, Hey Annabeth."

"Hey Jack. We need to talk." She looked up at him scared for his reaction.

"Talk later kiss now." He took her hand and pulled her onto her bed. That made her mad, she wanted to talk to him. Was he only doing this to kiss her, to get back at Percy. She knew they had a history ever since Percy second year when Jack was the best at sword fighting at the time in the Ares cabin. He challenged Percy after making a smart remark about how he didn't know how any of them had survived the quest with Percy leading. With in seconds Percy had him disarmed with Riptide pointed at his throat.

She pushed him back. "It's really important."

"It can wait."

"No it really can't." She was getting mad now, she didn't want to kiss him.

"It can if i say it can."

"Not if you don't know what is. It's important."

"Annie let's talk later and spend time together without that idiot you consider a boyfriend." He started kissing her again, that was when Percy walked in.

He was wearing his swim team hoodie and shorts. The hoodie! This was from that very same day, which means Percy did all this. She looked around wide eyed at the damage he had done. He had caused that earthquake. Thats amazing.

She quickly remember why she was here and went to go find Piper.

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