Chapter 6

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Percy packed all his stuff and made his bed which was weird for him. He knew how crushed Piper would be after how close they had become, but he needed to leave. He also knew this would hurt Annabeth, she still loved him and he still loved her but he knew no matter what he would never be able to date her again. His trust was a hard thing to earn and once you break it, it's almost impossible to get it back.

He wrote the note and hesitated on the last bit to Annabeth, but he put it in for two reason to make people smile and just to twist the knife for her. It was a cruel thing to do, but she deserved it after how he felt when he found her.

His plan was simple he was going to wait until Piper found the note and Chiron told the gods, the gods. His father would be destroyed. He knew he needed to do this, he was going to go the the throne room when it was empty and find Hestia. She told him once that he would always have a home at her Hearth, so he was going there.

Percy could be stealthy when he wanted to be, nobody saw him, he almost revealed himself to Piper when he was he sitting on the floor of his cabin at least four hours staring at the note. Chiron lead her away, he climbed out the back window of his cabin and just walked through the camp and nobody thought any differently of him. He snuck around and went through the back of the big house and hid waiting for them. He heard their entire conversation and how Piper said nothing. He felt his heart twang for his friend. Chiron announced he was going to make an Iris message to the gods and Percy realized with a start he would be coming in here.

He ducked behind the door and closed it behind Chiron. The centaur turned at the shut of the door and saw Percy.

"What are you doing Percy? They think you left in the night."

"Please Chiron don't tell them i was here that note said what i meant i'm leaving and i don't know if i will come back. I just want to get away from this all. I just need time." He pleaded with the old centaur. "You will know how to find me just Iris message me but i will only talk to you nobody else, it will hurt them less."

"Please Percy don't leave. Stay we can help."

"Now the only way i can help myself is to get away. Please Chiron Iris message the gods and tell them i ran away in the night."

"What is your plan Percy?"

"I'm going to Lady Hestia, she told me if i need something to go to her Hearth on Olympus so that's what i will do. But if the gods think i'm missing i can get her alone. Please Chiron will you help me?"

"I will but if i Iris message you, you will talk to me."

"Yes but nobody else. I will just swipe through the connection. I want to be cut off. But yes i will answer you."

"Thank you Percy. You can hide here till dark then i will get you out until then i can only keep people away."

"Thank you Chiron, this means more than you know to me." He embraced his teacher tight trying not to think this might be the last time he saw him again in person.

It was night fall and Chiron had brought Percy food throughout the day but he was ready to be free. It was dark, curfew must have passed then the door creaked open. Chiron stood ready to take Percy away.

"I announced to the campers that if i wasn't here tomorrow at breakfast they should worry because i was doing business on Olympus."

"And nobody knows besides Jason, Piper, and Leo?"


"Alright let's go."

"Climb on centaurs will move much faster than you could in a night. Percy nodded and shouldered his pack ad climber on Chiron.

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