Chapter 32

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Piper and him had gotten all his closest friends including some hunters, not the little ones, and they had all camped on the beach. They swam for most of the night, watched the stars, and had a huge fire. It had been perfect and he was so glad they did it. Thankfully everyone knew not to press him for stories. He spent time catching up with people. Katie and Travis were dating now, Clarisse and Chris hadn't broken up, and him and Annabeth were on ok terms. Him, Thalia, and Grover used 'dam' in every sentence confusing many people, but every time they said it the looked up to see their friend, forever in the stars.

The next morning plenty were hungover and they were all exhausted, thankfully Percy hadn't drank last night, or at least to much, because he was going to have a very rude awakening.

They all dragged themselves and many fell asleep to the amusement of everyone who hadn't been there. Percy sat down with Thalia, Pheobe, and a couple other hunters, all of them wanting nothing more than to sleep.

"Fun night last night?" Kira smirked at him.

"You're talking to loud." Thalia said and Phoebe giggle at this.

"Then don't drink Thals."

"Shut up Kelp Face." They all went back to their meals in silent not wanting to get on Thalia's badside. A flash of light had them all awake.

"Yo Perce, we need you on Olympus, like right now." He looked up and saw Hermes.

"Ugh. You guys always choose the worst times." Hermes laughed and him and Percy flashed out.

They arrived in the throne room of the gods, except Hades was there along with a women that Percy didn't recognize. She was quite pretty. She had long black hair and very pale skin, her eyes had galaxies sifting through them.

"Percy this is lord Chaos, she has a plan that could save us in the next war, and you are a key part of it."

"When am i not." He grumbled, he wasn't as hungover as Thalia, but he did have a headache and they were very loud. Chaos sighed and his headache went away. "Thanks for that." She nodded. "What's the plan."

Chaos took the floor. "Hera and i both came up with this plan, and if you accept it could save the world."

"What will i be doing now?" Some of the Olympias looked scared at the way he spoke to the creator of the universe.

"There is a camp for Roman demigods in California, and we will be sending you there to act as a bridge between camps. Your friend Jason Grace used to be their leader, but fates went ahead of schedule and he ended up at your camp, he had no memories of the camp, he will get them back when the war starts."

"OK send me." He didn't really care and wasn't surprised about the Romans, truthfully he had a bad time at camp when he wasn't with his friends.

"Well you took that well, but before you go you will come and train in the Void with the primorials for 10,000 years."

"Won't everyone be dead in 10,000 years?" The gods looked shocked that he was accepting.

"Time moves differently in the Void, what feels like 10,000 years there is only 5 years here."

"And the primorials, like Gaea? So these crazy super powerful being are going to train me for 10,000 years then i'm going to come back and the wars going to start?"

"Yes, if you accept of course. So do you accept Perseus Jackson?"

"Yes. Yes i'll do it."

Chaos look surprised. "Then you will have one week before i come and collect you." She smiled and flashed out.

"Percy do you understand what you're doing?" His father asked.

"You guys lived without me for five years i think you can do it again, plus i can probably come and visit. Zeus i have a request before i leave." The king of the gods eyes flashed at not being addressed properly, but he spoke.

"And what is that?" His hand was inching towards his master bolt, he wanted nothing more than to shoot this demi-god down, he didn't care that he saved them.

"Since we have a war coming and you all act like little children who can't make smart choices. I would like you to put Hades and Hestia on the council, they are the two most powerful and level headed and deserve a say. They would be losing their homes to."

"We will take a vote." Zeus snarled as many of the Olympians seemed to agree with the boy. "Show of hands if you want them on the council." Poseidon, Artemis, Hera, Hermes, Apollo, Demeter, and Aphrodite raised their hands. "Show of hands if you wish tem to stay off the council." Zeus, Ares, Hephaestus, Athena, and Dionysus hands raised.

"Well perfect. Dad can you call Hades. I think those thrones need to be made." Zeus was turning purple in anger. He lost it and hurled Master Bolt. Quicker than light Riptide was in Percy's hand and he sliced the deadly weapon in half.

"Father!" Artemis yelled, but Percy interrupted her.

Percy just laughed, he was doubled over with laughter. When he stood it was terrifying sight, his eyes were glow a harsh light. "You think you're powerful, you think nothing could ever overthrow you. You're wrong! If you didn't have us your lazy asses you would be destroyed! You are getting weaker everyday and you don't do anything about it! If i didn't fight in this war you would be destroyed! You guys are weak and helpless," He turned to Zeus. "And you are a pathetic excuse for a king!" He flashed out of the throne room leave many schock Olympians.

"Father make the thrones." Artemis spoke in the silence.

"What." Zeus looked shocked.

"We took a vote and Hades and Hestia are now on the council, you need to make their thrones." She spoke calmly, but her eyes were daring Zeus to define her.

"I will not."

"Brother we voted as a council, you have to according the ancient laws." Zeus looked like he was going to kill Poseidon, but waved his hand and in between Zeus and Poseidon a new thrones pushed through the floor.

A black flash appeared in the room. "Brother why was i called here?" Hades voice was cold, but Poseidon smiled and spoke.

"Seem my son has taken a liking to you, he did something that you might like." He gestured to the black throne with flames coming up around it.

"Your son... got me a throne?" Hades walked and sat on his new throne. A black glow surrounded him and faded.

"You and Hestia are now part of the council." Artemis glared at Zeus and another throne came up through the floor. Her throne made of dark wood and had warm fire curling up from the bottom. She had tears running down her face from happiness, she sat on her throne and a warm orange light engulfed her.


A.N. Zeus is a little bitch i really hate him so Percy is just going to push him around because i can.

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