Chapter 19

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A.N. Zeus make me mad i really hate him. I don't have anything else to say but do the thing where you start a conversation or whatever.


Where was he? Percy should have been back two days ago, the council meeting was tomorrow and he was nowhere to be found. She had alerted Hera, they had checked camp and all over the country. He was gone. She was freaking out, where could he be. These were the moments she wished she had somebody to pray to.

She flashed to her Hearth at Olympus looking very worried. She shared a scared look with Hera as they settled into their place. If anybody looked closely they could tell something was off. Hestia always took the form of a twelve year old girl but now she was around twenty.

The meeting started off as normal, discussing their domains and the the prophecy, then it switched to Percy Jackson.

"As many of you have heard Percy Jackson was at camp a month ago because he had found a little sister of his. This is the first time he has shown up anywhere in five years, but now he has disappeared again. His sister claims to know nothing and she knows nothing. Does anyone know of his whereabouts?"

"I do." Everybody looked shocked, she never spoke at meeting unless she had to.

"Well where is he? Hestia you will speak now." She told the story of how he had summoned her and offered himself as her champion and begged her not to tell. She told of him getting his fire powers and training those along with his water powers at her palace. She got the the part with Hera and Zeus looked shocked.

"You knew and you didn't bring the boy to Olympus for trial!"

"Yes because he did nothing wrong and just wished some peace after what happened to him! He lost everything in one week! He just want to get away from being used!"

"Has his loyalty wavered in anyway? Is he still loyal to the gods?"

Hestia sighed but answered. "Yes he is still loyal to the gods he just didn't want to go to camp. He knew you would force him because you would never let him just live his life the way he wanted so he left."

"Well of course i wouldn't let him leave he is to powerful to be left alone. We need to be sure he is on our side."

"No wonder he won't bow to you." she grumbled to herself thinking nobody heard her.

"What won't he do now?"

"He said he will bow to four Olympians and me because the rest act like little kids."

"These Olympians are?"

"Poseidon, Artemis, Hera, Hermes. He never said that he would bow to them, but he also respects Athena and Hades, he says the rest act like little kids and when they act like adults he will bow."

"Why does he think he has the right to not bow to us we are more powerful then him in every way."

"Maybe because you act like little kids." Hera muttered.

"Not you to, this demigod is unworthy."

"No because saving our hinds multiple times and still being loyal makes him unworthy. I agree with Percy, he's right we need to get it together." Apollo spoke which shocked everybody.

"That's the first smart thing you've said Apollo."

"I have my moments sis." He just smirked at her not wanting to start an argument." Zeus growled but got back to the point.

"So where is Perseus?"

"That's why we told you, we wouldn't have if we didn't need to. He planned to make a bug dramatic entrance during this meeting, but he went missing three days ago and Percy is always on time. Any other time i would have been able to find him, but he is not on the surface of the earth which is where i can check."

"This is very concerning. Hades you check the underworld just incase, Poseidon you the seas, and Artemis please continue searching for him with your hunter like you already were." They nodded and the meeting was dismissed. Everyone thought they were worried, but Hestia was freaking out. Percy had become a son to her and she felt very protective over him. He has even called her mom by accident and she didn't correct him, just told him she was pretty much his mom.

This brought a smile to her face and she was even more determined to find her little boy.

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