Chapter 7

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A.N. hey guys at the moment i'm trying to write at least one chapter a day and post it i don't know how long this will last but i'm trying. leave comments for things you want to happen in the story, i take suggestions.


He didn't know where Chiron was taking him but he didn't care. As long as he was far away from camp and Annabeth he would be better. There was still this burning fire inside him which he knew he would have to quench before it destroyed him. Chiron would never approve of hurting mortals but he didn't care, this particular mortal deserved it. He took everything from Percy, he would pay for it. The only problem was where he would get a sword that would hurt mortals, but if his plan worked he would be able to get one no problem.

He would go to Hestia and offer himself as her champion as long as she told nobody. He knew what he would do, he would find half-bloods and bring them to camp, but he would have no contact with his friends. He couldn't hurt them anymore if he left, he didn't want anyone else he cared for to get hurt. Everyone got hurt, all of them. This was the right thing if he left they would be safer, they would be happier without him there as a burden. He was helping them.

Chiron stopped after what felt like only an hour and knelt for Percy to dismount. So he did, they were in dense forest, he realized with a start this is the same clearing as on his first quest, this is were he said hello to the poodle.

"Chiron how did you know?" He was in awe it was the exact same at it had been all those years ago.

"Know what this is just a clearing that seemed like it was the right place. Is it special to you?"

"This is where me Annabeth and Grover ended up on our first quest. We found a pink poodle here, that's how we got the money."

"A pink poodle? Well then you should have your bearings then." He took a deep breath. "Percy is there any chance i can change your mind. You can come back to camp and get past this. Percy we need you, you don't know how much this will hurt the campers."

"It might hurt them now but in the end i'm doing them a favor. And no there is no chance you can change my mind so you can leave." His snapped at the old centaur, he lost his patients he wanted to get away. Away from it all and he was stopping him, he didn't like that.

"Percy please."

"No! I said no, leave me alone! I don't want to ever come back to that camp! Its filled with pain! Why would i go back? Go please." Chiron nodded sadly before embracing the hero of olympus one last time. He couldn't help it he hugged back before releasing his teacher and turning away so he wouldn't see the doubt in his eyes. He heard the sounds of hooves running over the forest ground.

"You finally got it, everything you've wanted. Now can you do it?" He was talking to himself and he knew it but didn't care. This was his new forever. With him bearing the curse of Achilles and having the blessing of the hunters he had no chance of death. He was immortal and nobody knew.

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