Chapter 35

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Chaos shot a flash of black light into the sky. Percy guessed it must be a signal. They waited for almost an hour before Chaos nodded. "One more thing." She snapped her finger and he felt something appear in his body. He looked down and saw armor. It was so blue it was almost black with red and black marbled in. It shone in a silvery light.

"It represents all of your parents. The blue for Poseidon, the red for Hestia, the silver for your mother, and the black for... me." Percy looked confused. "Percy i would like to adopt you so if you wanted to, one day you could run this city."

"I...i would love that Chaos, mom." She smiled and gave him a hug. A black hue surrounded him but he felt no pain.

"You are now, Percy Jackson, retrieval of the master bolt, golden fleece, bearer of the titans curse, traveler of the labyrinth, savior of Olympus, son of Poseidon, Sally Jackson, Hestia, and Chaos. More will be added."

"I hate titles, they're too long."

"Just yours, and since you're my son you will need to wear with." A crown hovered in front of him. He hated it but i could have been worse. Its was black, blue, and red strands of mental all twisted together with black jewels and one with one set in the middle.

"Do i have to?" He whined.

"I have to also, and just for gathering other then that your good." He sighed in relief. "Let's go meet the people."

She lead him out of the palace onto the front steps. There were a lot of people, men women and children were all watching him with interest. A little girl alone in the front row smiled and waved to him so he gave her a big smile back. 'She was really cute, but where were her parents?' he was jolted out of his thoughts by his mother speaking.

"You must be wondering why i called you here? I called you here to introduce you to a new member of out city and the head general of this great army. His name is Percy Jackson." When she said his name people started whispering.

"You're a legend all over the galaxy, many didn't believe you excited." His mother spoke in his mine, he nodded.

"Now if you wish you may come up and introduce yourselves, if you treat him with respect you will get it returned. Heads of houses you will be last." He heard some grumbling and looked to see a group of kids all about his age. 'They must be the generals of the houses.'

Citizens flooded towards him wanting to meet him, first in line was that little girl. She bounced up to him and stuck her hand out. "Hi im Antoinette, but please call me Annie. I don't like that long name." He shook her head with a chuckle.

"Well hello Annie, my name is Perseus but everyone calls me Percy because i don't like my long name. I hope i get to see you again." She smiled brightly before hopping over to Chaos and talking like they were old friends.

"Hello Perseus." He was jolted from his thoughts to see a boy with a smirk on his. The boy had tan skin like his, but his eyes were clear blue like Jason's. "Im Ryder, the general of Ouranos house."

"Call me Percy." He stuck out his hand and the boy bowed over it. 'This kid reminds me of Leo.' he thought.

A girl with crimson hair came up and smacked Ryder on the head. "Ryder stop being more of an idiot than usual." She turned to Percy. "Hi my name is Emmeline, but call me Emm. Ryder here just likes making a fool of himself. I'm the general of Nyx house. After this we will introduce you to the rest of the generals." She smiled and grabbed Ryder by the ear and dragged him away.

He met the rest of the generals whose names were, Jilly for Hermena, Michael for Tartarus, Noah for Aether, Liv for Anake, James for Chronos, Rosalind for Erebus, Sheba for Hydros, Andromeda for Nesoi, Lucas for Oceanus, Bella for Gaea, and Oliver for Pontus.

Once he met everybody, which took forever, Chaos had bad news. "Percy i know i said you could get your friends as soon as you finished meeting everybody, but you need to eat and train before you can steal souls from the underworld. So it will have to wait longer, just until you have decent control over your powers." He nodded. Truthfully he was very upset, but he knew where she was coming from and agreed.

"There will be a dinner where you can get to know all the generals and become friends, they are your new family. You might be the generals, but all of them are blessed by their primordial and you guys will go on missions without the army." He nodded again, this was so much information. Chaos showed him his room where he changed for dinner.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.N. OK the entire thing with the primordial will be loosely related to Percy Jackson: Chaos Successor on It was a big inspiration for me and i think of that when i think Primordials. I suggest you go read it.

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