Chapter 16

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A.N. Nico never left camp. Also how cute is Sage i'm going to bring her into play a lot more because she is adorable.


In a column of flames he appeared in an alley somewhere in Virginia. He had been sent here by Hera saying there was a strong aura of power for a demigod here, it was a child of the big three and he knew it now that he had destroyed the pact. He had brought in children of Zeus and a couple of Hades, most girls he put in the Hunt because they had been abused and raped by men.

A little girl named Sage Kerwin, she lived with her mother who abused her and neglected her. She had no bad encounters with men so he was planning to take her to camp.

"What do you think you doing yo little freak! Go to your room! You don't get dinner!" He outwardly cringed at the young girls mothers voice. He needed to get to her. He could see in the window Her room was on the second story, he couldn't flash up there without scaring her. He would have to go through the door like a normal person.

He knocked on the door and seconds later it was thrown open. A middle aged women stood there, she had fake blond hair and too much makeup on with a drink in her had. She was obviously almost drunk.

"Who are you?" Her words were slurred, it was disgusting.

"I'm here to take Sage to a safe place."

"She is safe here as my daughter. You can't take her." he sighed inwardly not wanting to fight.

"It isn't safe for a child to grow up here, she is malnourished and i'm going to take her to a safe place."

"Will i ever see her again." Something about her daughter leaving was sobering her up.

"You can see her again if you let me take her, get your act together and start being an adult, and if she wants to see her again."


"I didn't want to do this." He stepped past her and closed the door before shoving her against a wall knocking her unconscious. Then he walked up to Sage's room.

He pushed the door open. "Sage..."

"Go away, please don't hurt me."

"Sage i'm not going to hurt you, i'm here to help you."

"No your the bad man my mom was thinking of marrying, i don't like you."

"No Sage im Jason and i'm here to take you to a safe place, with people that will love you a care for you. Do you want to come?"

"You promise that they will be nice to me?"

"If they are mean to you the have to deal with me." He looked at her very closely, she had raven black hair and green eyes, she was a daughter of Poseidon.

"Won't my mom be mad?"

"I talked to your mom and she said it was ok, if you ever want to talk to her in the future you can."

"Ok let's go." He lead her out of the house and into the alley way.

"Sage have you ever heard of Greek Mythology?"

"Yes my dad left me a ton of books about Greek Myths before he died."

"Well Sage you father isnt dead, hes a Greek god. You're what's called a demigod, half god half mortal. Im one to. Now a lot of things have happened to me so i have some special powers, you can ask any questions you want soo but i need you to trust me. Do you trust me?"

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