Chapter 41

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Percy walked out of the cabin with Emmeline and they raced to the beach, literally.

"Ready to swim." She smiled at him. She wore a black swimsuit with cutouts with dark sunglasses. They were at his little space on the beach, which had a block so nobody could bug them.

"You know I am." He smirked at her before diving into the ocean. She laughed and ran in after him. She dived down to the very bottom and waited for Percy, they did the same thing every time they went to the beach. They walked on the ocean floor.

"Are you lost Miss?" She looked up and saw she was encased in a bubble of air.

"No actually i was looking for you. Shall we go on a walk?"

"Yes we shall." He hooked his arm through hers and started skipping. She stopped when she looked in his eyes. He faltered and looked back at her. "What is it? Are you hungry?"

"Percy we're going to have a serious conversation." He froze. "Something is hurting you. I know because you're acting to, happy. Percy why are you upset?"

"I... i don't know what you mean. Im at my home with my friends. It's what i've been wishing for since i got to Shining City."

"Percy you're a bad liar. If you were happy to be here you would have spent time with your friends. You've barely spoke two words to any of them."

"I've just been busy making sure everyone is settled in to this new place." He lied.

"Percy we can settle on an alien planet in mere hours, you're avoiding them." She sat down on the dry sand of the air bubble. She motioned for him to sit next to her.

"I don't know Emm... i just... it doesn't feel like home. It hadn't felt like home since the war. Being back here, i don't like it. They don't feel like my friends anymore."

"So you wish we hadn't come?" She leaned against him.

"I wish we hadn't come back, i wish i never had to be in another war, i wish i didn't get you guys involved in this. You guys could be safe, away from you parents and this world in Shining City."

"Percy, what are you going to do?" She looked up at him, concern shining in her eyes.

"We have five more months, if the campers let us be then i will leave them be. If they piss me off someone will end up dead. I just want to go back to the void, i wish i had never come." He sighed and lay his head on her shoulder.

"Me to Percy, i see how much pain being here causes you. I don't like seeing you in pain." She gave him a sad smile and lay her head in his. "Please don't do anything reckless, we're going to have to help them in a war."

"I'll try Emm, but i would rather just keep my hood up and pretend they don't exist." She nodded and pretended she didn't notice the tear that ran down his cheek onto her shoulder.

"It's ok Percy, i'm here if you need me." He didn't respond so they sat in their air bubble at the bottom of the sea watching the creature float by.

Hours passed where they lay on each other in silence watching the water. "Percy we need to go back, it's almost dinner." He nodded and flashed them back to the cabin. He released her hand and went straight into his room and lock the door.

The conch shell boomed and she walked to dinner and sat down. "Where Percy Emm?" Ryder asked between bites of food.

"He's locked in his room. He locked himself in thee after we got back from the beach." The other looked concerned.

"What happened at the beach? I want the whole story." Bella questioned her.

"Well after you all left Jack, Tyler, and a few thugs came to threaten Percy. They brought up, stuff, which is very sensitive to him. He beat them just using his aura and we went to the beach and did the air bubble thing. We were talking and it wasn't happy, we just sat for a couple hours. Then he flashed us to the cabin then locked himself in his room."

"Something bads going to happen." Bella stated. "Somethings getting to him and he's not going to tell us is he?" Everyone shook their head. "Then there's nothing we can do, we just have to let him work it."

"Because that has totally worked before, we don't need another planet blown up." Emm grumbled. Nobody laughed because they knew how true it was.


It was the next morning when Percy left his room since the beach, he could summon his own meals so that's what he did. He had argued with Chaos for hours about bringing him back, which she wouldn't do, because he needed to reconnect with them and earn their trust.

He stepped out of the cabin with dark circles under his eyes. Everyone was at breakfast so he could slip away and get some training done, if he had to stay here he wasn't going to talk to any of those annoying campers. He got out the dummies and pulled his twin Riptides. He decimated every dummy in seconds, it just didn't work as well as when he spared with a person.

"Mom." He sent her a mind message.

"Yes Percy?"

"Will you please come spare with me so i can get a good fight in?" He begged.

"If i do we can't get out of hand, we don't want to blow anything up."

"I promise mom, please hurry." She did hurry, she appeared right infront of him. He rushed forward and gave her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're here, i hate it here." She gave him a pointed look.

"I came down here to spare, not listen to you complain." He mumbled something but got into position to spar. His black armor appeared on him along with Chaos. "Go!"

They circled each other waiting for the other to make the first move, Percy leapt at her and swung one sword at her head and the other he used the flat of his blade to knock her legs out from under her.

She blocked both strikes with her twin blades and tried to slash his chest. He jumped back out of reach of her sword. He spun and jumped into her guard and caught one of her swords in between his two, he twisted until she let go and he flung it across the arena.

She had only one sword now and a shield was summoned into her arm. He moved like a whirlwind where only an immortal eye could barely follow his movements. He slashed and paired, neither getting a scratch on the other. They fought like demons striking each other and blocking just in time.

Chaos used her shield as an offensive weapon slamming it on his wrist forcing him to drop that sword. His shield, made by Tyson, was now on his arm. He feinted a strike at her legs and swung at her chest. She paired it and their blades fought against each other by strength. He used his first skill he ever learned with a sword, the disarming skill that Luke taught him, it was so simple people usually fell for it. It worked her sword clattered to the ground and he put his blade to her neck.

"Do you yield?"

She laughed. "Yes i yield. You always get me with that one, i always expect something extravagant." They laughed together before noticing they had a crowd.

"Hey bow to the creator of the universe." Percy snapped and stifled laughed as all the campers dropped onto their knees. He put a hand on his mother's shoulder and flashed them into his room.


A.N. Thank you for over 20k!!! That is insane to me that so many people actually take time to ready my weird little story so thank you. In other news i just finished the last chapter! Im not going to say its a cliffhanger, but its a cliffhanger and you will  have to wait till i get the next story going. Love you guys!!

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