Chapter 28

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Percy raced through the forest deciding to make himself a prime target, he knew he might not be the one to get the flag, so why not draw everyone away. He saw campers guarding the creek. Water rose around them and turned to ice, they were trapped. Campers around the flag. He concentrated hard and a little fire popped up behind the flag, it wouldn't burn anything he was just playing with them. They rushed to put out the fire and once the had succeeded another one started. They all rushed to that one. He saw Thalia in the trees, she had a perfect line to the flag if the path was clear. He caught her eyes and nodded. He ran at the flag.

It took people a moment to notice him, but as soon as they did they charged. He slowly lead a group away to the river. That was a mistake. Water encased them before turning into ice. He ran back and saw Thalia still needed a couple more cleared off. It took all his concentration so he hid in the trees and closed his eyes. They were by the beach, the air had water in it. He focused on pulling that water from the air and it trapping the last three people. He heard angry yelling, it had worked. He walked to the tree edge to see who he trapped. It was Annabeth, Jason, and Piper; he smirked at his friends as Thalia walked up the meet them.

"Good job Kelp Face. Anyone that you didn't trap had been dealt with by the hunters, we can just walk around."

"Want to taunt them. These three are so strong." Thalia nodded and they started with Annabeth.

"Sup Nerd. Little cold?" Thalia smirked as they watched Annabeth yell at them which they couldn't hear.

"You know we can't hear you, but i certainly hope you're not using profanities, little ears remember." Thalia laughed and they were about to move onto Jason when Phoebe came stomping over.

"Guys get the flag! What are you doing?" They tried to defend themselves. "Will you stop being evil little shits and win the game already!" She turned and stomped away.

"Little ears Phoebe!" Percy called out as he a Thalia walked over to the flag.

"Jackson i will kill you in your sleep!" They hear from somewhere in the forest and they crack up.
"OK Pinecone face grab the flag before all these guys get hypothermia." She laughed and pulled the flag from the ground. "You know now i think about it. This is a really stupid place to put a flag. Especially when you're playing against the hunters."

"I know right. Wonder what they were thinking? I better go before Phoebe comes with her knives."

"OK i can see the creek from here so just cross that and i'll sent them free." Thalia nodded and started jogging away. Percy walked over to Annabeth and melted part of the ice using his fire, but only enough so they could talk. "Anything you want to say Wise Girl?" His voice was nothing like it was when talking to Thalia, it was cold and bitter.

"That you obviously can hold a grudge." She replied snarkily.

"Remember i'm the only one that can release you from the ice. I just wanted to have a civil conversation." She nodded. "Any apologies or explanations?"

"Percy please it's been five years and you know i'm sorry and i know it was a mistake. Can't you just move past it?" Her voice was pleading.

"Annabeth what's my fatal flaw?" She look startled by the question.


"Now why is that a fatal flaw?" She looked suspicious but answered.

"You trust too easily, you would choose to save your friends over the world."

"Now what comes with a child of Poseidon loyalty?"

"It's easy to get because they trust very easily, but once you break it, it's very hard to earn back. When it's a person close to them, that person might never earn it back."

"I see you've been doing research. See i trusted you so much i gave you the range of my mortal point. No i didn't give you the exact spot because i'm not an idiot and you never know what can happen. I would have trusted you with my life, and to be honest i still would. But even thousand years from now i might have forgiven you, but that trust will never be the same. I'm sorry for that, but you obviously knew when you cheated so i don't feel to bad." He stood up. "Ah look hunters won again, time to release you all."

"Percy one question." He turned to her and nodded for her to ask. "Why did you fight for the Hunters?"

"I'm not staying at camp. I could have a palace on Olympus if i wanted, but i'm going to continue doing what i was doing, and your question. You said i would always fight for my family, you just watched me fight along side my family." He walked away leaving her shocked as the ice melted away from them.


A.N. Percy is a SAVAGE n and im going to point this out, i really love Percabeth, i just thought of this idea and wanted to write it.

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