Chapter 20

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A.N. i didn't go to in depth on Percy torture because i just didn't want to i think for now what i have is enough. I hated writing Percy's thoughts.


He felt the whip slice across his back an old wound reopened. His left leg severely broken, he would need Apollo to heal it if he ever wanted to to be right again. He screamed in agony as a knife made a small slice on his shoulder. There was no point to this, he wish Koios would just kill him already. I would do everyone a favor, he would be free of this torture and nobody would have to worry about them. He would get to see all his friends that he had lost. Charlie, Selina, Luke, Lee, Zoe, and his parents. Hades promised him they were in Elysium waiting for him. Dying didn't sound so bad, he would never have to fight another war, he would never have to lose another friends, he could be happy there until his friends grew old and joined him.

He thought about this happily until he was ripped from his thoughts by another scream of agony, the knife had been dragged down his sternum. He waited for the next blow, but i never came. He thought he saw someone fighting Koios, but he couldn't see through the blood in his eyes. He coughed up more blood and not saw silver along with the shadow surrounding the Titan.

'Ive gone crazy' He thought. There was no way people were here to save him, he had accepted his fate. He wanted to die, he wanted to be free from this world of pain and hurt. He heard Koios scream in pain and then he saw gold dust. A blurry silver thing ran towards him crying, he couldn't make out the face before be blacked out from pain.

He woke up feeling cold and exposed. He opened his eyes and was blinded by the light after the Fields of Punishment and blacking out. He tried to sit up, but was pushed back down. He saw Apollo looking at him concerned, he noticed he had a breathing mask on and multiple tubes going to him. Some were filled with water others filled with blood. He reached up and took the mask off.

"Where am i." The room was almost to white, it was blinding. He squinted and looked at Apollo.

"Good Percy you're awake, now we can take you off all these tubes. This might hurt." He winced a little when Apollo pulled the tubes from him, but i was nothing compared to what he had endured for the last two weeks.

"Apollo what happened?"

"Um... you went missing, Hestia told us at the Winter Solstice, Zeus was mad at her and Hera, we went searching for you, Artemis went down into the underworld because she had figured out where you were, her along with Hades took down Koios and brought you to me. It's amazing you're alive because you had been missing for three days and it took us two weeks to find you. I fixed you up and you've been out for about five days.

"I was gone for almost three weeks and have been out for five days." His eyes widened. "I need to go fine Hestia. I need to get back to work." He tried to stand but almost immediately collapsed back onto the bed.

"Perce you just woke up, after going through what you did i'm surprised you're awake. You need rest i will tell everyone the the meeting tonight and they can come visit you soon. Now you to sleep." He pushed him back onto the pillow and he passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Apollo looked down at him. "Please be ok Percy, we need you." With that he turned off the lights and flashed to the throne room.

"Apollo has the boy awoken yet?"

"Yes Father he woke up right before the meeting then i made him go back to sleep, he is still very weak."

"When can we see him?" Hera spoke her and Hestia's eyes bore into him. Along with Poseidon and Artemis.

"After the meeting, but we have the be gentle he just woke up."

"Meeting adjourned." Hera spoke and she stood and flashed away. Zeus looked shocked, but Hestia, Artemis, Poseidon, Apollo, and the rest of the Olympians followed leaving Zeus alone in the throne room.

They were all waiting outside his room and Apollo went in to wake him up. "Hey Perce."


"You have ten gods waiting outside the door to come see you. Can i let them in?" Percy nodded. Apollo pushed open the doors and Hestia flew into the room and pulled Percy into a hug.

"I missed you too but i need to breath." She pulled away.

"Never do something like that again you scared me. I thought i lost my little boy forever."

"I cant make any promises i'm kinda a target, but i will try to not be taken captive and tortured by Titans.  Anyways i think all the baddies are all dead now."

"You Percy Jackson are the most optimistic person i have ever met. Please never change that ok. The world needs people like you." She pulled him into another hug before releasing him. "I think it's the rest of their turns." She leaned down a whispered in his ear. "Zeus is really made after he figured out that you're refuse to bow to him, don't stop. He needs someone to put him in his place." He smiled at her and nodded and she left the room.

His father walked in and just looked him over before pulling him into a soft hug. "It's been too long Percy."

"I know Dad, i just...."

"Shhh you don't need to explain, i kinda understand. It will be ok, i'm just glad your back."

"I'm glad to no longer have to disguise myself, i missed a couple of you."

"That couple of us missed you to Son." They hugged again before his father left.

Hera came in a lectured him about scaring them and how they thought he was dead before hugging him. Artemis came in by herself.

"I'm glad your ok Percy, we can't have the only good man in the word dying now can we." He chuckled. "You wouldn't have missed me. Would you have?" He raised an eyebrow at her and she laughed, he loved her laugh.

"Yes i would have. Also you have been offered a place in my Hunt until you have recovered enough to return. You would still have chores and have to deal with a couple rude hunters, but i'm sure many of the newer ones will be happy to see you. Once i told them that Jason was you they freaked out and were the reason we never stopped looking for you. I think you would do them a lot of good."

"I would be honored Lady Artemis."

"Percy we are friends. If i call you Percy you call me Artemis, ok."

"Yeah but my friends get nicknames. So if we're friends you get a nickname." She groaned but smiled anyways.

"Can i have some examples of these nicknames?"

"Thaila is Pinecone Face, Leo is Repair Boy, Jason is Blond Superman, Piper is Beauty Queen, Annabeth was Wise Girl, Nico is Little Miss Sunshine. The list goes on."

"I'm quite scared now. What would mine be?"

"I don't know probably something like moonbeam or moonshine."

"Yes those make me quite excited." She had a very sarcastic tone. "I look forward to having you in the Hunt Percy, i will inform my hunters." He smiled at her, she loved his smile. Why was she thinking that?

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