Chapter 2

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A.N. shit Annabeth went there. Ugh this so hard because i am a hard core Percabeth shipper.


He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he wanted to be far away from her. He couldn't even think her name without more pain bubbling up. He was still mad, but it hurt more then anything. He had suspected that she might have been cheating but he didn't want to believe it so he didn't. He managed to convince himself that she was just dealing with grief differently than he did.

He finally slowed his pace and realized he was at a very secluded spot of the beach, that he didn't think anyone else knew about. He had told Beckendorf and Silena but they were gone now and it was his fault. He turned onto the beach and saw his friend Piper.

Piper came with two other half-blood a couple months after the war and him and Annabeth had gotten quite close with them. Piper was like a sister to him and he was wondering if he could talk to her. True she was Annabeth's best friend but didn't know how she would react to this news. She was a daughter of Aphrodite and loved Percy and Annabeth together.

He made up his mind and and sat next to her and laid a head on her shoulder before letting his emotions take over. His body was soon racked with silent sobs and Piper didn't ask questions at held him until he could get control of himself. He finally stopped cry and then decided he was done with crying. He steeled his emotions and buried them deep inside.

"Percy what happened, was it something besides Sally and Paul?" She was the only person who knew about his parents. He had told her because he wanted to tell someone and Piper seemed like the best person.

"Annabeth and i broke up." He could hear the devoid emotion his voice was.

"Oh no what happened?" She pulled him into a tight hug and just waited till he was ready to respond.

He swallowed and spoke. "She cheated on me, with Jack." The distaste was present in his voice.

"Do you know why she did it?" He just shook his head. "Did she tell you anything? What happened tell me the whole story."She demanded so he did.

"Well i walked in on them kissing and Jack opened his fat mouth so i logically pinned him against the wall with my sword at his throat." Piper's eyes widened. "Hes fine besides probably a broken nose along with jaw and cheekbone because all i could do was punch him after Annabeth forced my sword down. He will also have a pretty bad concussion after i slammed his head with my sword which knocked him out. Then, Annabeth told me she didn't know why she did it, but she said i had been distant and she was worried. So i mocked her then told her about how i had practically kill all my friend and then i just blurted out about my parents. She told me i should have told her, i laughed then stormed out and ran all the way here."

"Percy you didn't kill your friends and you're not responsible for their deaths. I wasn't here during the war, but they all knew there was a possibility of dying. We're demigods, its what we train for, they knew the risks and they all died heroes making a difference."

"I just wish it didn't hurt so much. I wish they were still here. They should be going to to college and being happy."

"Its part of being human, that pain will never go away you will always carry it with you, it can only make you stronger. Now we don't have to go back to camp if you don't want to, i can go get food and blankets and we can camp here. I can talk to Chiron ok, would that be better?"

"Tell him what ever you need to, but body else nobody needs to know. Also you know where my stash is go there not just camp food, i need junk."

"Ok Perce i will be back soon."

She got up and walked away and he looked out to the water. He stood and walked away from their spot not wanting to mess it up and looked out to sea. He willed the water to respond to his anger. Huge waves were slamming the sand hacking at the earth. He just let it all out, all the pain he had from Annabeth's betrayal and parents. It got more and more violent as he was suddenly in the middle of his own personal hurricane. He was creating an earthquake that campers back at dinner could feel.It was scary but amazing to see. Water was swirling around him from the sea as lightning crackled. The waves were more than ten feet tall crashing into the sand.

It felt so good he didn't want to stop he, loved the feeling of letting his power flow without the risk of hurting people, here he was free to do what he please.  Another pang of anger ran through him and he dropped to his knees shaking the ground.

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