Chapter 38

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2000 years later

"Perseus i need to talk to you in your barracks." The message came from his mother.

"I'm really sorry Emm, but Mom needs me for something. I'll make it up to you later." Percy and Emmeline were in the gardens just talking. She nodded and he created a portal to his room to see his mother sitting there.

"Percy i need you to go on a solo mission." Percy looked shocked. "Its an assassination. You would be killing a dictator on Kalfa, the rebels prayed for help. Do you accept?" She looked nervous like she expect him to say no.

"Yeah i'll do it." She looked surprised.

"You're sure you want to kill this man?"

"Mom there are innocent people in need of saving and i can help them. I don't like killing, but i'll do it if i need to. And i need to." He said seriously."

"Ok then. He is hiding in the center of Kalfa in the palace, guards are everywhere but you should be able to flash in. This guys already had a bad record before he became the ruler. He had a high position in the army and would send soldiers out to kill old men and women and he would rape many young girls." Percy's blood was boiling at the thought of this guy.

"I can deal with him." His voice was laced with venom.

"Ok get your armor and weapons and you can leave." He nodded and put on his armor. He started to put on all his weapons for missions, which was alot. He has all his weapons that were gifted to him, plus other he had collect over the years. He has daggers at his waist, and a quiver over his back. He looked threatening and that was only the weaponry you would see.

His bow of lightning that would appear in his hand, his spear in ring form, his pen is his pocket along with another sword that would come to his hand if needed. Hunting knives that materialized out of thin air, and throwing knives that appeared over his shoulder.

"You look like an assassin Percy." Chaos said in awe.

"I want to get this guy over with and dead." His voice came out harsh. His mother nodded and opened a portal to the other planet.

He stepped through and immediately retreated into the shadows, a floorboard creaked. He faded into the shadows where he could watch the man, but the man could not see him.

"Who's there? I have a weapon and i will kill you." The guy sounded as arrogant as Zeus.

"You can not kill me even if you tried." Percy spoke from the shadows but it sounded as if he was everywhere.

"Reveal yourself. I am ruler of this planet and you will meet my demands."

"Now what are those demande, ruler." Percy spat the title as an insult, but his voice was mocking.

"Reveal yourself!" The man looked scared, but was hiding it well.

"If you wish." Percy stepped out of the shadows behind the man. "You will pay for your crimes." The man turned with a dagger at the ready. He froze as he saw Percy's many weapons, dark armor, and mask that covered his features.

"Who... who are you?" The man stuttered out.

"Now now My Lord. don't sound very tough do we?" A smirk graced his visible mouth. "I expected more."

"What is your business here?" The man's tone was commanding, but quivered at the end.

"I was sent by Chaos, to kill you." The man's eyes widened. "You are being punished for your unspeakable crimes you have committed." Percy hissed out.

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