Chapter 5

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"Piper are you ok?" Jason asked. She shook her head. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head again. "Are you going to use the pretty voice that i love?" She still just shook her head.

"Look Piper i know he was like a brother to you, you guys were practically inseparable, but we will find him and get him back. You read the note he just didn't know how to deal with it. It didn't say he'd never come back. I promise you you'll see him again. It will be ok." Leo comforted.

"You don't understand." She croaked out. "It's so much deeper then Annabeth cheating, he didn't put it in the note because he knew other people would read it. This is so much work then it looks, this is so so much worse then you understand."

"Then help us understand, what else happened and why is it so dangerous?" Jason tried to coax out of her. "Piper we won't tell anybody else whatever you say to us now we will not repeat." He promised and Leo nodded in agreement.

"His parents were killed last month." Both their jaws dropped. "And it's so dangerous because Percy is one of the most powerful demigods, if not the most powerful, to ever exist." Jason looked a little miffed at that but she continues. "Do you remember the huge earthquake like two weeks ago?" They both nodded. "Percy did that, he created that earthquake."

"No he couldn't have, that thing was huge it almost destroyed the dining pavilion." Jason countered not wanting to believe it.

"No it was him i saw it. It is amazing to watch. He had a hurricane surrounding him with lightning and thunder. It was crazy. Thirty foot waves were hitting the beach rapidly no break, and water from the sea was floating in large spheres around him. Everytime he stomped a foot a tumor would run through and when he dropped to his knees, that's what almost destroyed the pavilion. All those story about what he did in the war are true."

"He fought two titans mostly by himself. And when i asked him about it he told me he let his emotions take over and didn't hold back as much power. He's been offered immortality, the gods are afraid of his power. If he can do that with holding back most of his power what he can do if he doesn't hold back could be devastating."

"Why didn't we know about this? He would have showed people. How do we know it's true?" Jason refused to believe Percy was this powerful. Yes he was great friends with Percy, but he was a son of Zeus not Percy shouldn't he be the powerful one.

"If you can't take my word then his reason is. He held back his power because it's deadly and he didn't want to hurt anyone. He doesn't take death lightly. He was beating himself up about all the people lost at war. He said he pretty much killed them by commanding their army. Also he doesn't like talking about his powers, he's worried people will treat him differently if he did, he doesnt want all that respect."

"He commanded the army. I thought the gods did." Jason was in shock learning all these new things about percy.

"No the gods were fighting Typhon, who Percy woke by causing that giant explosion at Mt. Helens. The demigods were left by themselves against Kronos's army. Percy was also the one who thought of the idea to defeat Typhon."

"Percy caused that explosion. I remember that it was huge, there no way a fifteen year old demigod could have caused that."

"If the trainer of every hero said he was the most powerful i think he could." Piper snapped she was getting a bit annoyed with all of Jason's questioning.

"That's crazy. How do you know all this stuff you got here same as us?"

"The day Percy found out about Annabeth and Jack he went to a secret spot on the beach that only me, him, and other demigods that were killed know about. I was there and we talked and in the end i got a pardon from Chiron to lets us camp there. When we were getting fire wood he mentioned he had snuck away to go on a quest. I was curious so i made him tell me about everything he's done. We were up until sunrise as he told stories."

"He has that many huh." Jason was now intrigued.

"Well i personally would like to hear these stories and we aren't talking to Annabeth so Pipes could to tell them?"

She nodded. "Why don't we got to my cabin, nobody will be there." They two nodded and they walked to Jason's cabin as she started the stories of Percy Jackson.

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