Chapter 10

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A.N. i promise there will be a longer chapter coming some time i just don't really pay attention to the length until its showing me the amount of words.


Percy was contemplating his plan, there was a flaw. He couldn't just walk up to Olympus, there were minor gods and the door man. They would quickly tell Zeus he had been there in order to please the king of the gods. He would have to try and summon Hestia to him, he just didn't know how. He knew the goddess didn't get a lot of sacrifices and would appreciate that. He would just have to pray to her until she noticed something was off.

What other gods would he want to be in the good graces of if they found him. Hera, that was the first name that came to mind. If she found him he might be able to convince her to help him, he wasn't a son of Zeus. He had disrespected her pretty badly in the Labyrinth, but he was the goddess of family maybe he could convince her to help him, her family. He grinned wickedly at this his new plan coming together.

It would drive Zeus crazy to know that two of his own were helping him, he knew Zeus would send people looking for him and he knew it would be Artemis only. He is to confident in his daughters skills. What he didn't know is he had the stealth of a hunter upon his own talent.

Would the blessing of a hunter give him their talent with a bow? True he was horrid with a bow and couldn't shoot to save his life, but maybe if he practiced with all this new found free time he had, he would be able to be a better shot. He had brought a bow with him, so why not.

He set to work getting his bow and arrows from his pack, as a gift his father had given him the bow that Bianca had found in the junkyard and a quiver that never ran out. The note that came with it said.

Dear Percy,

I know your a horrible shot and almost destroyed Chirons tail, but with your new found abilites it might help that. As Artemis said, you keep proving us wrong, add this to your list. Prove to me your not a horrible shot eh.

Love Dad.

In this letter he had called himself dad, he never did that but after Sally and Paul had been killed he wanted to step up as a father figure to Percy. He was already grown up so he didnt have much to do.

He didnt know how he felt about his father calling him self dad, but it was kinda nice to know you still have aleast oe person. He knew if there was one thing he was loyal to it was his father and his friends and he had abanodoned them all. He sighed. For the third time this week he questioned if this was the right thing to do.

"Your helping them, thy are safe and better with out you." He told himself, it was the only thing that kept him from going back. Knowing that he was doing them a favor even if they didn't know it yet. They would one day.

He set up a target on a tree, slung the quiver over his back, and notched his arrow. He tried to remember the advice that at Apollo cabin had given him before he had been banned from the archery range. Pull back, look down the arrow, line up your target, release. He did. The arrow flew from the taught string and with a 'thump' hit the tree. He was amazed, it hadn't been a bulls-eye but it hit the tree, something he wouldn't have been able to do before the blessing. He notched another arrow and let it fly, 'thump', he had hit the tree again. He defiantly could improve on this. 

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