Chapter 4

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A.N. so i planned on posting in bulk earlier today but i got distracted read fan fiction so here you go


They walked back to the beach their arms full of firewood laughing as they went. They truly were like brother and sister. There for each other when needed, they fought about stupid things, pretty much shared a brain. It was quite scary.

They got back and set up the fire, they ate and talk as Piper tried to make him feel better about everything that happened. The conversation slowly drifted away from all the sad stuff to where they joked around and ate all of Percy's candy.

"Ugh i'm going to have to restock again. We eat this stuff to fast." Which was true they often had movie nights in Percy's cabin where they ate it all.

They slowly drifted off to sleep late at night when the sun was almost rising. She hoped she would help Percy out of his funk and she tried very hard. She was with as much as possible trying to keep the mood light. It went on for weeks where just when she thought he was ok he was gone again.

One morning she went to wake him up and he wouldn't wake. She pushed open the door of the cabin and tears flooded her eyes at what she saw. His bed was perfectly made which was unlike Percy. Riptide was gone along with most of this clothes and personal items. What was left was in Minotaur horn, picture of him and Annabeth which was smashed on the floor, and his junk box. On his bed was a neat envelope.

Dear Piper,

I know you're the one who will find this and i want to thank you. You are the best sister/friend i could have asked for. I'm sorry but i couldn't take it i don't want to see her. I know this will hurt you and i hate that but i'm asking that you forget about me for the time being. I don't know if i will ever come back but as of now i have no plan to. Tell Chiron i'm sorry he had to lose another hero and thank you for everything. Annabeth if you see this fuck you, you have partial blame.



She was crying and she only knew because she saw the tears hit the note. She was numb, she had lost her best friend, her brother. She already felt like she had lost her dad, she didn't want to lose her brother. She only had two members of her family left. Oh gods how would she Leo and Jason. She didn't want to tell them, she didn't want to see the pain on their faces. So she just sat staring at the note but not really seeing it.

That's where Chiron found her, sitting on the floor of Percy cabin clutching the note for dear life.

"Piper what are you doing in here it's almost lunch and you and percy missed breakfast?" He looked around the room and saw. The bed was made, his personal items were missing, the shattered picture. He knew what happened, then he saw the note.

"Piper dear let's got to the Big House." She nodded and stood bt never made a sound. Her eyes were puffy from crying. She walked like in a trance still holding the note towards the Big House.

Campers gawked at Chiron leading a crying Piper while he had tears in his eyes away from Poseidon cabin. Whatever was enough to make Pieper and Chiron cry was serious. Jason and Leo saw and ran over.

"Pipes what happened? Whats going on?" She didn't answer and just grabbed him in a tight hug and didn't move. Chiron motioned for them to follow so Jason picked her up while she held Leo's hand. They were inside the living room of the big house and Jason had set Piper down on the couch with Leo and him on either side.

"Pipes what happened?" Leo asked and she just shook her head and gave the note to him. His eyes widened as he read, he smirked a little at the end but reality set in and it was quickly wiped away.

"Hes gone isn't he Leo, that's what the note says?" Chiron looked down at them. He just nodded not trusting himself to speak.

"Wait Percy's gone what do you mean?" Leo gave Jason the note and he read it. "No! No Percy can't be gone! He can't be! He can't just leave us! Can he?" He looked to Chiron.

He nodded sadly. "I must tell the gods they alone might be able to find Percy, but you guys will speak of this to nobody. They will find out eventually but let it be for as long as possible before they do." They nodded. He left the room and went to make an iris message.

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