Chapter 8

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A.N. short filler chapter there will be a lot of these so you know what going on in the rest of the world.


"Lord Zeus i have bad news." Chiron spoke into the iris message to the council of the gods. His tail swished back and forth at the thought of their reactions. He feared what Poseidon would do when he found out his son, his pride and joy, had disappeared. But he would keep his word to Percy and play dumb about his whereabouts.

"What is it Chiron?" His voice was nervous.

"Percy has run away." He braced himself.

"What do you mean run away?"

"He has left camp and he left a note saying he had no plans to return again. They boy has left and is no longer on camp grounds."

"He left! How did he get away?"

"He left in the night, we don't know how, but Percy always had a knack for getting out of his cabin." His thoughts flicked to the boys second quest into the sea of monsters.

"He just got up and left? And we have no idea where he is? This could be very dangerous, we need to find him. Artemis you and you hunters will look for Percy in your travels. For now that's all we need, he will not be able to avoid your tracking skills daughter."

"Yes father." Her gaze flicked to Poseidon in worry but he was too lost in his own thoughts to notice.

"Well then this meeting is over." Chiron swiped his hand through the connection. One more Iris message to make.

"Oh Iris accept this offering, show me Thalia Grace." The mist changed to a setting in the forest.

"Chiron what do you need?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I thought i should tell you in advanced, Percy is missing. He left in the night and nobody knows anything of his location."

"No... no you're lying. Percy where are you? You can come out now. The pranks is over." No percy stepped into view CHiron just stayed looking at the girl sadly.

"I thought you should know." He swiped his hand through the connection and rubbed the coming headache. While in the forest Thalia was now on the ground sobbing at the loss of her friend, and cousin. She wondered how Annabeth was taking it, she considered contacting her but chose not to. Better not put salt in the wound.

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