Chapter 3

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Piper jogged back through the camp and to the big house. She walked up to see Chiron and Mr. D playing cards with some satyrs.

"What is it Piper?" Chiron questioned from his wheelchair form.

"Chiron i need to talk to you about Percy." The first crash of a wave, they could barely feel it but i was just noticeable. Chiron obviously noticed. He pulled his horse body from the wheelchair and pulled her to a secluded spot just as the next crash came.

"What is it? What happened to Percy? Is he alright?" The fear in his voice shows how much he cared.

"He's safe, but alright is not the word i would use. As you know his parents were killed and he's been dealing with that and today he found Annabeth cheating on him. He beat up the Ares camper she cheated on him with and he was running till he found me on the beach. He found this little spot that nobody knows about, he showed me. I was talking to him and trying to console him and i came because i was wondering if we could get some food and blankets and camp there. He doesn't want to face Annabeth or the rest of the camp. Also pardon us from the harpies so they don't eat us."

She almost lost her balance as the earthquake started. Chirons face morphed into a look of shock and amazement. "Is Percy doing this?"

She had heard stories of him in the war when he had fought off a titan with his own personal hurricane. But this was something else we was creating waves and an earthquake they could feel from across the camp.

He nodded, "I'm sure you heard the stories, but yes Percy is of the most power demigods to date and he is doing this. Yes i give you permission now let's get you the stuff and calm him before this gets any more serious." She nodded and he knelt for he to get on his back. She was shocked because he did this, but obliged and climbed on.

They first went to the Poseidon cabin and collected extra blankets and pillows off all the bunks and storage. She went and pulled a box from under Percy bed and Chiron looked at her curiously but let out a laugh when he saw it was stuffed with coke and junk food.

"Don't tell him i showed you nobody is supposed to know."

"I knew Percy had a stash because he loudly complain when it runs out about how we need junk food at camp. Im surprised he showed anyone, its one of his best kept secrets." He laughed before taking the box and giving Piper the bag of blankets. She climbed on and they went to the dining pavilion where the capers were eating.

She sat Aphrodite table while Chiron requested her and Percy favorite meals in to-go boxes. She was bombarded with questions from her sibling about where she had been. What was in her bag, why she was getting to-go boxes, and so on. Chiron came over and they walked out of the pavilion. She climbed on his back when the largest tumor yet knocked several things over and almost caused Chiron to lose his footing. 'Not a moment too soon' she thought as she gave him directions as they raced through the trees.

They arrived at the beach where Chiron set her down along with the stuff and went back to camp leaving her to deal with Percy. She walked towards the sounds of waves hitting and when she found him she gasped.

He was standing in the middle of his person storm with sheets of rain pounding the ground around him. Lightning flashed illuminating his face. It was serene and almost to calm. Thirty foot waves were disintegrating the sand in front of him, and water flew out of the sea forming spheres of water the the moonlight reflected off of.

He dropped to his knees and another earthquake started, she had to stop him. Chiron had left her alone to deal with him, it was up to her.

"Percy! Percy! Perseus Jackson stop it right now!" That got his attention.

The waves slowly started shrinking and they storm was disappearing. The

Earthquake stopped shaking the ground and the water returned to the sea, she looked down and realized she was sopping wet from the storm. He walked over to her and dried her.

"That was terrifying, i didn't know you could do that." He just shrugged. "No sir you do not just shrug that off. Do you know what you were doing!?"

"No not really i just didn't hold back as much power as i normally do. What was i doing?" They were back to their spot at the beach now.

"You had a hurricane around you, you were creating and earthquake that was so powerful it was knocking things over in the dining pavilion, you were creating thirty foot waves, and you had spheres of water just floating there, reflecting the moon."

"Hmm that's different, but can we not talk about it i don't like talking about my powers." He was begging with his puppy eyes so she agreed.

"We have food so do you want to set up a fire then eat?" He nodded and they walked into the forest for wood. She was about to snap a branch off when he stopped her and knocked on the tree. She thought he was crazy till and elfish looking girls stepped out.

"Hey Juniper do you think you could do me a favor?"

"What do you need Percy?" She watched the interaction with interest they seemed to know each other.

"Could we borrow some branches we are trying to start a fire?" He was using the puppy dog eyes on her but she didn't cave.

"No you may not you knew the answer befor you asked. You can go to camp they had a giant log pile... No Percy."

"Fine be that way." He huffed and turned to Piper as Juniper melted back into her tree.

"You guys know each other" She raised an eyebrow confused.

"Shes Grovers girlfriend and Grover went 'missing' for a little bit and i found him. I was hoping that would be enough but it wasn't so off to camp we go. They trekked through the forest and she noticed not matter how many times Percy tried to make her laugh and joke around, while he succeeded, he wasn't the same. He was more mellow, you could see that sadness in his eyes.

"How are we going to start the fire?"

"There at matches in that box of food. I always keep them there just to be prepared."

"That makes now sense." She stated not understanding.

"Well if i was to sneak away to go on a quest again, which i did, i would grab food and matches so i keep them together."

"That's actually quite smart and only you would think of that." She laughed and he smirked at her.

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