Chapter 14

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A.N. I promise the next chapter is a longer one. these past dew have been pretty short.

Disclaimer- I don't own Percy Jackson all rights and charactures belong to uncle Rick


She walked back the way she came towards Piper who didn't notice her. Annabeth walked right up behind her and sat. No reaction. She wrapped her arms around her and let her friend weep into her camp shirt.

"Shhhh Piper, it's ok, he will come back. He is just going through alot right now, he's not gone forever." She struggled to keep her voice steady while she spoke know that there was a chance she was speaking lies. If Percy really believed something good will come out of his leaving, he wouldn't come back.

"How are you dealing with it? The guilt. I can't deal with it, it's my fault."

"It is not your fault. It is mine and that Frederick Douglass. You had nothing to do with it. It was my fault." The dam she had holding all of her emotions broke and they flooded her. She cried while she held Piper.

"Wyy did you do it?" She sighed knowing this question would be coming.

"I don't know. I have absolutely no reasoning behind it when i think about it. Jack came to me about wanting to date me, i told him i was with Percy, he said why does that matter. I guess i was feeling hurt, which i shouldn't have been, and agreed just for the hell of it."

"So Jack pressure you to do this, if he hadn't pressed you, you wouldn't have done it?"

"No i wouldn't have, i only did it because he kept pressing." She wiped her eyes and looked at Piper. Se had a very determined look on her face.

"Annabeth do you have your dagger?"

"Yes... why?" Her eyes narrowed.

"We're going to go get mine, then find Jack. He needs to learn a lesson."

"Piper i think he learned a lesson from Percy, you should have seen him afterwards."

"Sadly Percy isn't here or i would have him set a hurricane of Jack, but he isn't so we're going have to use my power."

"Piper! We can't do that!" Charmspeak, she wanted to use her charmspeak. "What are you going to make him do?" She had a small smirk.

"Nothing much just admit his deepest darkest secrets at dinner, my cabin is complaining about how there isn't enough gossip." She smiled darkly.

"As long as it doesn't embarrass either of us i'm ok with it."

"Yes! I knew you had it in you A!" SHe jumped up. "WHat are you waiting for? We have an hour before dinner." She stood alongside Piper, it felt good to have her friend back.

"OK so you're going to go find him, he's probably sword fighting, tell him you want him to meet you behind the Poseidon cabin before dinner. Then we get ready for dinner, bring your dagger, were going to scare him. There will be a show tonight." They were at the edge of the woods. "Go." She shooed her off laughing.

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