Chapter 23

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A.N Every time i read this chapter i laugh because i think some of this stuff really happened and just wasn't relevant to the plot

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After suffering through three more days of constant yoga and a dot of doing all sorts of test and getting new weapons he was free to go. He was at Hestia's palace and Artemis would get him in the morning. He had been gifted all new weapons, a new bow, a new spear, and new hunting knives. Hera and Hestia came and blessed them again. All his weapons could go through thing, even Nemean Lion pelt, but the had figured out Koios and hurt him using his own blessed knife so they couldn't get through him, but everything else yeah.

He fell asleep in his familiar bed that he had become accustomed to. He was going to miss this way of life, rescuing demigods bringing them to safety, it gave him a sense of purpose. So after a long argument if they found any demigods he was still going to go save them and leave the hunt for a couple days while he did it. He slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

He was woken up by Hestia. "Grab your bag Artemis is here." He jumped and changed quickly. He didn't know why but he wanted to look nice for her. He walked out with his bow slung over his back, hunting knives in their sheaths at his waist, Riptide in pen form, his spear in ring form, and his bad over his shoulder. He didn't need a quiver since he just had to pull back the bow and an arrow would appear.

"Ready to go?"

"You need to eat Percy."

"Correct i need food to live i forgot." They both laughed and a plate of toast was brought for him.

"How do you forget that?" Artemis laughed while he spoke.

"I'm a very forgetful person, especially when i'm tired. I once got back really late and was panicking because i didn't know where my bed was."

"Hestia should we be worried about him?" She nodded.

"Hey! I'm perfectly capable of surviving on my own."

"You forgot you needed to eat like five minutes ago."

"I would have remembered by lunch moonbeam. I also decided on a nickname." Artemis scowled at him.

"Why did i agree to this again."

"I really don't know." Hestia responded. Percy pouted, but was ready to go.

"Now ready to go?" Artemis nodded. "Can you protect me against Thalia? She's going to murder me."

"You have to deal with her on your own." He grumbled something about how if they wanted him to live Thalia will have to be restrained. They laughed and Artemis put and hand on his shoulder and flashed them away after a big goodbye to Hestia.

They appeared at the camp while the girls ate. He was tackled by Thalia, Kira, Chloe, Alli, and Jade. They all laughed at him but he laughed along with them from the floor.

"Ladies i missed you very much, but will you please let me stand up the breath?" They all got off of him and Thalia helped him up. 'Smack!' He knew it was coming. "I missed you to Pinecone Face." He pulled Thalia into a hug.

"You ever do something like this again you will regret it."

"Trust me i know i will you're not the only person i have to deal with. I was almost strangled by Hestia and Hera, my dad almost broke my back, you all tackled me, you slapped me, and i haven't seen Piper and Katie yet."

"Piper is going to kill you."

"Trust me i know. I was expecting lightning from you though." He smirked at her and felt a little jolt of electricity go through him. "There it is."

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