Chapter Two

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(Teddy Remus Sirius Lupin)


  I walked through the park listening to the people talk and the animals run around as I headed towards the little corner market, looking through my sunglasses I could see the different colors that I know surrounded people to make sure I didn't bump into anyone. After I became blind I was confused by all different colors but soon figured out what they meant. Blue or white meant truthful and kind, pink meant semi truthful and semi temper, red was anger and untrustworthy, green meant kind but not so trustworthy, and purple meant magic; he had seen the purple on a few people but he had only spoken to one person who was purple and he went missing a few months ago and I know he's still alive because of the necklace I'm were connects to him and it still pulses like a heartbeat.

  "Good afternoon Hadrian," the store own said and I sent her a small smile in her direction. The store owns name was Carrie and her son's was Dave, they were kind to him and they were surround by a blue and pink color so he knew they were kind but would get angry if need be, they help him find his sunglasses when Dave saw him rubbing his eyes from the headache he had because of all the colors hurting his eyes and they let him help out around the store during the winter when he couldn't work at the animal shelter he volunteers at. Shaking my head I hurried down the isle grabbing cans of fruit, soup, and a loaf of bread before walking back up to the front knowing I didn't have enough money for a small cartoon of apple not that I could save it with it being summer.

  "Hey Hadrian," Dave's voice startled me and I dropped the cans I was holding. "Oh crap, sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

  "Its okay," I said softly placing the items on the counter listening to the repeated beep of the items being rung up by Ms.Carrie.

  "We're having a sale on canned fruit," Ms.Carrie said and I watched her color flare a dark pink before going back to the soft baby pink and blue and I knew she fibbed. "If you want you can grab a carton of apple juice."

  Biting my lip I thought about it and knew I could always pay her when I get payed by the animal shelter again but then again if I take the juice I would be stealing. 

  "No," I sighed deciding as I handed her the money. "I just want the items I picked out, thank you though."

  "Okay sweetheart," Ms.Carrie said and I felt for my bag and when I had it I quickly left the store turning in the direction of the abandoned warehouse that I have called home since I ran away to live on the streets. After getting to my bed that consisted of a flat cardboard box that protected me from the cold cement floor, an old backpack that held my clothes and I used as a pillow and an old blanket I got the first winter I lived on the streets from the homeless shelter, sighing I sat down on my bed and opened a can of peaches eating slowly since I didn't want a tummy ache because I ate too fast on an empty stomach since it had been almost a week since I ate last. After placing my trash in the bag and setting the other cans in my backpack I grabbed my blanket and laid down slipping my sunglasses off, setting them to the side before closing my eyes and dozing off.


   I stood to the side watching a tall boy who looked around the age of two or three ran around a yard playing with a big black dog.

  "Padfoot," the kids giggled when the dog pounced on him licking his face, "No yucky."

   "What are the two of you doing?" someone asked laughing.

  "Moony," the boy giggled standing up and running over to a tall man with brown hair and had scars on his face. "Padfoot got me icky."

  "I see that cub," the man smiled. "Let's get you all cleaned up before your mother has a fit."

  "Don't be such a spoilsport Moony," a man with long curly black hair laughed ruffling the kid's hair. 

  "Padfoot?" the kid said.

  "Yeah pup?" the man asked pulling the kids out of his friend's arms and setting him on his shoulders.

  "Where Ri go?" the kids asked and both men paled glancing at each other.

  "He went away for awhile," the brown-haired man said.

  "Ri come home soon? "

  "Hopefully," the black haired man said sounding sad.

~Dream End~  

  I jumped gasping when I heard a loud boom and I soon realized was thunder, sighing I sat up and leaned my back against the wall closing my eyes and listening to the rain it the building.

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