Chapter Thirty-Six

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(^LOL, I can just see this happening and then everyone yelling for Harry and Draco to admit their feelings for one another.)

*Teddy Lupin*

  I was working on my Charms essay when I was startled by one of the school owls landing on the table in front of me and I grabbed the folded parchment paper out of its beak before it flew off and I opened the parchment reading the note.

~Meet me in the ROR in thirty minutes.~

  Confused I tried to figure out why the handwriting was familiar before shrugging and finishing my essay and heading to Room of Requirement with fifteen minutes to spare so I pulled my book The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa out of my bag and started reading from where I had left off the other day.

  "Teddy," a voice said and I looked up to see Hermione standing in the doorway. "Thank you for meeting me."

  "You sent the note? " I said confused since she is on Dumbleass's side of the fucking war. "What do you want?"

  "You're the only one I could come too," she said and I narrowed my eyes be she shoved a bunch of papers into my face and I dropped my book grabbing the papers in shock. Huffing I got comfortable in my spot on the couch before reading the papers...

Birth Certificate(Fake):
Mother: Jean Granger
Father: John Granger
Child: Hermione Jean Granger
Date of Birth: September 19, 1979

Birth Certificate(Official):
Mother: Bellatrix Black-Lestrange
Father: Lysander Lestrange
Child: Helena Adele Lestrange
Date of Birth: September 19, 1979

Living\Dead Relatives:
Bellatrix Lestrange - Mother
Lysander Lestrange - Father
Landon Lestrange - Uncle(dead)
Narcissa Malfoy - Aunt
Lucius Malfoy - Uncle
Draco Malfoy - Cousin
Andromeda Tonks - Aunt
Ted Tonks - Uncle
Nymphadora Tonks - Cousin
Alice Longbottom - Godmother
Frank Longbottom - Godfather
Neville Longbottom - Godbrother

Magical Creature Inheritance:
Core: Grey
Creature: Elf
Mate: Werewolf(Teddy Lupin)

  "I got those from Gringotts over the weekend," she said and I looked up at her.

  "Are you wearing glamour?" I asked and she nodded and there was a soft pop and she suddenly had a new appearance. "Does anyone else know about this?"

(^Hermione's new look just imagine her hair is a dark brown almost black color)

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(^Hermione's new look just imagine her hair is a dark brown almost black color)

  "No," she shook her head and I nodded standing up and grabbing my book off the floor and shoved it in my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and grabbing her wrist pulling her over to the floo and flooing to Gaunt Manor.

  "Zippy," I called and the little house elf popped in. "Where is everyone?"

  "Masters and Mistresses are in the medi wing check Master Hadrian over," the elf said.

  "Okay," I nodded pulling my bag off my shoulder. "Can you put my bag in my room, please."

  "Zippy can do that," the little house elf said grabbing my bag and popping out.

  "Let's go," I said pulling Herm...Helena after me until I got to the medi-wing doors and I shoved them open noting how several people slid their wands out before I saw Hadrian who was no longer four.

  "What is she doing here?" Jamie asked and I pulled Helena in after me before releasing her wrist and handing Tom the papers I had read over a few minutes ago before walking over to Ry and taking in his new appearance.

  "Think we may have to buy you some more clothes because you've shrunk," I joked and Ry smiled before sticking his tongue out at me.

  "Fenrir go get Bella and Lysander," Tom said and I watched as the older werewolf left the room before noticing Helena looked very uncomfortable.

  "No one is gonna hurt you," I said and she jumped.


  I watched as the girl jumped when Teddy spoke and I tilted my head to the side studying her aura taking in the changes in the colors before watching the blue soulmate line that connected her and Teddy together.

  "You are perfectly healed," Aunt Cissa said and I turned to give her a smile. "Just no crazy ideas for a few days."

  "Yes Mama Cissa," I nodded manuring around on the bed until I was clinging to Draco's back. "Dray I want some ice cream."

  "Okay," he chuckled and he moved away from the bed and I tightened my legs around his waist as he walked out the door and I noticed that Jamie, the twins, Teddy and the girl followed us. After finishing our ice cream Dray entered a room I had never been in before but I noticed all the artwork scattered around the room and I gasped recognizing all of it. "Tom had set up this room for you a few weeks after we started school and then everything happened so you didn't get to see it until now." 

  "Wicked," I giggled looking around the room that looked like an art gallery.

  "I'm glad you like it, Hadrian," Papa said and I smiled running up to him and hugging his waist since that was how tall I was. After Papa left I sat down on the floor leaning against Draco sketching  without thinking as I listened to the girl Teddy brought here explain what she found out with her inheritance when the door burst open and everyone jumped up and I just looked at Auntie Bella and Uncle Ander as they stared at the girl before they both screamed and tackled the girl to the ground before hugging her tightly. Smiling I watched as all three of their auras changed colors rapidly before settling.

  "What just happened?" Jamie asked confused and I stood up grabbing both Jamie and Draco's sleeves and pulling them out of the room.

   "Auntie Bella and Uncle Ander are happy because their daughter has been returned home," I said skipping down the hall until I got to the library and I ran over to Raven and sat down in his lap cuddling.

  "You okay?" Raven asked.

  "Yep," I hummed opening my sketch pad and went back to drawing.


  After a while, I went to search for Ry when I found him in the library curled up in Sev's lap and both of them were asleep smiling I summoned a blanket and covered them up before leaving and going to the training room where I found Tom and Jamie who was blowing the dummies up while the older man watched.

  "Did you find Ry?" Jamie asked.

  "Yeah," I  nodded leaning against the wall. "He's asleep in the library on Sev's lap."

  Tom hummed before walking out of the room and Jamie looked at me confused and I just shrugged before walking over to the dueling platform and Jamie got on the other end and we practiced dueling for a few hours before and house elf told us dinner was going to be served soon.

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