Chapter Nine

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  "Jamie you and your brother are going home with your parents," Dumbledore said and I growled as Padfoot started yelling.

 "The hell they are! Both cubs are staying here."

  "Now Sirius..."

  "Shut the bloody hell up," Sirius growled. 

  "You are not taking my sons away," dad yelling stepping forward and I saw a few people slide their wands out.

  "Oh now you have more than one," Sirius snarled. "Seems you've forgotten but you're the reason Harry was abused. That cub is blind and has lived on the streets for eight years because of that bloody muggle you left him with."

  "We didn't know," mum cried. "I just want my baby to come home."

  "I want nothing to do with you," I glared angrily that she forgot about my brother again. "I'm not leaving my brother and the both of us are staying here."

  "Jamie..." she started but was cut off when there was a yelp and the door fell open and a small body landed on the ground.


  I had been listening to Jamie argue with a woman when I got started by a familiar angry scratchy voice spoke from behind me and I fell to the ground.

  "Ow," I groaned sitting up only to freeze when I saw all the colors but what caught my attention was the deep red that was mixed with purple.

  "Harry," Jamie's voice gasped and I felt hands on me and I turned my head and met by the comforting colors of purple blue-white. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? What are you doing down here?"

  "Yelling," I whispered holding onto his arm as he helped me stand up. "I heard yelling but Kreature  startled me."

  "Sorry good master," he said and I turned my gaze down to the purple-gray-pink colors surrounding him. 

  "Its okay Kreature I should have been paying attention," I smiled then someone coughed and I gripped Jamie's hand.

  "Harry my boy," the deep red color moved towards us and I swallowed moving back glancing around until I saw a purple, dark pink, blue color and I backed away from the red pulling Jamie with me as I back towards the person who looked familiar yet different.

  "No," I whispered shaking my head. "Hadrian."

  "His name's Hadrian," Jamie said. 

*Severus Snape*

  I watched as Jamie stood in front of the smaller black haired teen but I was shocked when the small teen stared directly at the house elf and at everyone in the room, thinking back to the medical report I know that he is blind as a bat but was shaken out of my thoughts when both teens backed into me. 

  "He prefers Hadrian," Jamie said in a hard voice and I watched as Lily, James, and Albus flinched. "We are not going with you and I will be dropping out of Hogwarts so I can stay here."

  "You can't drop out of school," Lily exclaimed. "Education is important."

  "He'll be homeschooled," Black said crossing his arms. "Now get out of my house willingly or I will kick you out forcefully."

  "Padfoot you aren't taking them," James argued pointing his wand that Black and I gasped when the small teen pushed Jamie into me and ran in front of Black. 

  "NO," he yelled and I could see his body shaking. "You are not going to hurt him."

  "My boy," Albus said and watched the small teen narrow his eyes.

  "I call on the ancient magic of the family Black and I cast out those unwanted," the teen said and I felt very old magic swirl around the room and Albus, Lily, James, Mundungus Fletcher, Kingsley Shaklebolt, and both Weasley parents disappeared with a pop.

  "What the..."

  "That no feel good," the small teen groaned falling to his knees and I grabbed calming draught and pain potion from my robes hurrying over to him and helping him drink them. "Sorry."

  "Don't apologize," I chuckled helping him into a chair. "That was actually amusing watching them get kicked out."

  "YOU KNOW ABOUT MAGIC!?" Jamie yelled and the small teen flinched. "Sorry."

  "Okay," the small teen had a small smile. "Um, who all is here besides Jamie." 

 "In front of you is Professor Severus Snape, to the left of you is Sirius Black or Padfoot as I call him most of the time," Jamie laughed sitting beside Hadrian and I watched as the teen's eyes followed the direction that Jamie was talking about and staring directly at the person. "Just behind him about four steps to the right is his husband Remus Lupin or Moony and beside him is Teddy. To the right of you is Frank Longbottom and to the left of him is his wife Alice; in front of us beside the door is Alastor Moody or Mad-Eye and to the left of him is his wife, Nymphadora Tonks, although she hates her name so everyone called her Tonks." 

  "No one hurt?" 

  "No," Jamie said wrapping his arms around Hadrian. "But you scared me when you ran between Padfoot and Dad, you could have been hit by a spell."

  "Sorry," Hadrian mumbled. "The colors flared red."

  "Colors?" Jamie asked.

  "You see auras," I said and the teen flinched nodding. "Does anyone else know you can see them?"

  "My friend," he mumbled sadly. "Arcturus Black."

  "Say that name again," Black asked crouching down in front of Hadrian. 

  "Arcturus Black," Hadrian said tilting my head. "He went missing months ago after teaching me magic since I ran away."

  "Severus go tell him what we just learned," Lupin said and I nodded standing up. "We'll bring the boys by soon but I want Hadrian to get comfortable around us."

  "Block any and all Order members from showing up unless it is the ones you trust," I said apparating to Gaunt Manor entering the throne room I found Tom, Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Lysander, Fenrir, and Angel.

  "Severus," Tom said and I bowed before taking my seat with a heavy sigh. "How is Hadrian?"

  "Albus fucked up big time," I growled my eyes flashing.

  "Explain in detail brother," Lucius said and I rubbed my forehead.

  "Albus is trying to get both boys back in James and Lily's custody. James pulled his wand on Black tonight and Hadrian ran between them and use very old Black family magic to kicked the unwanted out of Black Manor. Regulus is probably still alive because he has been teaching Hadrian magic for close to eight years and went missing a few months ago."

  "We can start searching for him," Lysander said. "He could be hiding or locked up somewhere we don't know."

  "Yes, get a few of the Elite members to help." Tom hummed. "The boy's eyes?"

  "When I was healing him the medical report said he was blind as a bat and would probably never regain his sight but I will need to do a separate test on them to be sure especially with what I just learned," I said. "Hadrian can see auras. When James pulled his wand Hadrian ran straight in front of it stopping the attack and after they were kicked out Hadrian said that the colors flared. He also freaked when Albus moved towards him and Jamie."

  "Seeing auras is a special gift," Tom said looking at me. "Do the test on eyes and see if he can regain his sight. Remus and Sirius need to bring both boys here so they can get to know the truth about everything."

  "Lupin said they would bring them here soon but he wants Hadrian to get comfortable around them beforehand," I said and Tom nodded.

  "That poor child," Cissa said shaking her head.

  "Keep us posted on his progress," Tom said getting up and leaving the room. 

  "Yes my lord," I nodded and quickly apparated back to Black manor and followed the voices up the stairs to Hadrian's room.

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