Chapter Four

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(James Anthony Potter)


  I rushed downstairs after hearing voices and when I slid into the dining room everyone got quiet, looking around I saw Frank Longbottom, Tonks, Mad-Eye, and Charlie Weasley standing around the round the room while Padfoot, Moony, and Teddy sat in chairs looking really pale.

  "What's going on?" I asked just as the floo system sounded and I heard my parents and Dumbledore's voices, still angry at them I moved to the other side of the room so I wouldn't be close to them.

 "Frank, what's going on?" dad asked and glared sitting down beside Teddy. "I got an owl from Amelia saying I was on suspension pending the investigation on Lily and me."

  "That is true," Mr.Longbottom said moving papers around before looking up at me. "Jamie, you won't want to this."

  "If it is about my brother I want to know," I said glaring at my parents.

  "Okay," he nodded and said a spell I'd never heard before while pointing his wand at an orb that was on the table and a screen appeared about it and I watched wide-eyed as a purple-faced whale of a man yelled at a small black haired boy before slapping him and shoving into a closet under the stairs. I got sicker as each memory got worse and worse with each injury caused to the little boy until it got to the last one and I watched as the wale of a man poured some kind of chemical into the boys eyes causing him to scream in pain and the man just laughed standing up and kicking him in the head before leaving and the screen disappeared. 

  "I'm gonna be sick," Remus said and a small trashcan appeared in front of him and he threw up in it but all I did was stare at the table top.

  "Jamie?" a soft voice said and I jumped up slamming my hands on the table.

  "Why?" I demanded and turned my eyes to the James and Lily since I no longer call them my parents. "Why would you leave him with that kind of person?"

  "Jamie we had no idea they..." Lily started

  "NO!" I yelled feeling my magic lash out and several things shattered. "Because of you, my little brother was abused and blinded. I am no longer your son because of what you have done I want nothing to do with you."

  "Now Jamie," Dumbledore said and I turned my glare to him. "They are your parents."

  "Fuck you to conniving old man," I growled and my magic swirled rapidly around me and I felt an unfamiliar tug before something grabbed me and I dropped onto something that yelped. 


  After watching what those horrid muggles did to my godson I did blame Remus for getting sick since I felt like it too. Jamie demanded answers from James and Lily before he practically disowned them as parents and no one blamed him but them Dumbledore spoke and Jamie told him to fuck off just as his magic lashed out completely and I watched as Teddy latch a hand on Jamie before they both disappeared with a loud pop.

 "Where'd they go?" Tonks asked and I shrugged turning to face Albus and the Potters.

  "Get out," I said deadly calm. "You are not allowed back here unless it for an order meeting and I am seriously considering making you find another place to hold them." 

  "Padfoot," James started and I glared.

  "Don't Padfoot me, James Anthony Potter," I snarled causing him to pale. "My godson has been abused and Jamie is angry and disgusted at both of you. I will be going to Gringotts and to see Amelia about getting custody of both of them, now I will say this once get out of my house." 

  James nodded wrapping his arms around Lily and apparated out and a few minutes later Albus follow, sighing I grabbed the bottle of fire whiskey and starting drinking it from the bottle.

  "Frank?" Remus said shakily.

  "I'll let Amelia know about you two wanting custody of the boys," he nodded and left followed by Alastor and Tonks.

  "Charlie, can you let our mutual friend know what we've found out?" I asked looking up at the tall tattooed man.

  "Yes," he nodded and apparated out.

  "Where do you think Jamie and Teddy went?" Remus asked after a few minutes of quiet. 

  "I don't know," I sighed. "But Teddy will take care of Jamie and they both know to be back before nightfall."

  "I know but Jamie snapped."

  "He'll be okay," I said kissing Moony's forehead and walking up the stairs looking in the spare room that was going to be Hadrian's when he came home.

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