Chapter Fifteen

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*Tom Marvolo Riddle Gaunt*

  "Draconian Lucien Torus Malfoy," Cissa growled angrily and Draco paled turning towards his mother but I kept my eyes on Severus as he had his arms wrapped around Hadrian who I noticed was trembling. "You apologize to Hadrian right now."

  "What I just asked why his eyes were like that," Draco said slightly confused.

  "He's blind you git," Jamie said and he yelped when Remus smacked the back of his head.

  "Blind?" Draco asked confused.

  "He can't see anything," Teddy said walking over to Severus and whispering to Hadrian before exiting the room. Severus picked Hadrian up and walked back over to his chair and sat down gently running a hand through his hair as Hadrian's trembling slowed down.

  "Why is he blind?" Draco asked. "And who is he?"

  "Jamie go find Teddy and have him got back to Grimmauld Place and get Hadrian some clothes, Remus said and Jamie nodded exiting the room.

  "Draco, you will apologize to Hadrian for snapping at him," Lucius said.

  "Yes father," Draco said.

  "You can apologize when he wakes up," Severus said and I looked at him to see that Severus moved Hadrian around was now cradling him to his chest and I smiled when I saw Hadrian's sleeping face. Standing up I picked Hadrian up and he whined shuffling before cuddling into my chest.

  "Explain to Draco," I said before exiting the room and going to my bedroom and placing Hadrian on the bed after transforming his clothes into some pajamas before I removed my robes and laid down beside him running my fingers through his hair. 


  I felt something heavy wrapped around my legs and waist, confused I ran my fingers across the weight and I felt scales, startled I jerked my hand back and sat up quickly causing the weight to hiss.

  "Easy Hadrian," a voice said and I jerked my head towards the noise and I saw the familiar colors of Tom. "Its just Nagini, she was resting against your legs."

  "Nagini?" I asked confused.

~Hackling,~ something hissed and I looked towards the hissing noise and saw a greyish-pink color.

~Hi,~ I whispered and I heard Tom gasp. "What?"

  "You can speak Parseltongue," Tom said.

  "Yes," I said. "One of the first places that I stayed in when I ran away had a snake, Arcturus told me what the language was."

  "You miss him," Tom said and I nodded sitting up and pulling my legs up wrapping my arms around them. "We will find him."

  "Thank you," I whispered just as a knock sounded through the room.

  "Enter," Tom said loudly and I looked towards the new person and I smiled when I recognized Severus's colors.

  "I was bringing Hadrian his clothes and letting you know everyone is here," Severus said.

  "Thank you," I said and Severus's colors flared a white color before I heard a door close and his colors disappear. 

  "Hadrian, why don't you get dressed then we will go find your brother and your godfathers," Tom said and I nodded holding onto the clothes that were placed in my hands. "I'm going to set you the bathroom and when you're done just yell."

  "Okay," I said and listened to the door close before I felt around until my hand hit something smooth and I figured out it was the sink when I found the faucet. Placing my clothes on the surface before I quickly changed and grabbed my dirty clothes and feeling around until I found the door and I opened it. "Tom?"

  "Ready?" he said and I nodded letting him take my dirty clothes before I felt arms wrap around me and I was picked up. "Let's go then."

  "No, wait...HELP!"



  "Why are they yelling?" I asked when I heard Jamie, Sirius, and Remus yelling. "And who is Bella?" 

  "Bella is Sirius's cousin just like Cissa," Tom explained.

  "Is she the crazy Black sister?" I asked. "That's what Arcturus called her. He said she's a little crazy when it comes to everything."

  "She's is a bit crazy," Tom laughed and suddenly everything got quiet and I could suddenly see a bunch of colors that I didn't recognize.

  "POTTER BRAT!" a female shrieked and I flinched burying my head into Tom.

  "Enough," Tom said loudly and I could feel the fear in the room and I was handed off to someone.

  "Your alright Hadrian," Severus's voice said and I wrapped my arms around his neck still startled by the woman loud yell.

  "No yell," I whimpered.

  "Bella stop yelling," someone said and I recognized Cissa's voice. "Your scaring Hadrian."

  "You okay pup?" Renny asked and I nodded unwrapping my arms from Severus and reaching towards Renny who soon picked me up and I snuggled into him sighing in content.

  "Why is the Potter brat here?" someone demanded and I blinked my eyes open to see new colors but there was one in the corner that was purple and dark blue and it moved closer.

~I wish I knew,~ Jamie's voice grumbled in my head and I laughed.

  "Jamie, we're here because Tom is the good guy and that...Um...Dumblefloor is the bad guy," I said. "Tom's colors are purple and bluish-pink while Dumblefloors color is purple and dark red making him mean and evil."

  "Auras," someone said. "Powerful sight and has only been recorded twice."

  "Who are you?" I asked tilting my head as I stared at the purple and blue colors.

  "Bill Weasley," the man said. "You already met my brother Charlie."

  "Mountian?" I asked.

  "Hello Hadrian," a familiar voice said and I smiled. "It's good to see that you're looking better than when I first met you."

  "Thank you for saving me," I said.

  "No need to thank me," he said with a laugh. "Jamie is like a younger brother and you are the same."

*Tom Marvolo Riddle Gaunt*

  After dealing with Bella I went back to the dining room and I saw that Hadrian was sitting on Fenrir's lap and was speaking with the two eldest Weasley's along with answering any questions that anyone else asked. After several hours of interacting with the other members of the inner and Elite circle members, Hadrian fell asleep and I took him from Fenrir and brought him up to my room placing him on the bed before I went to my office to get some ministry contracts done while Teddy showed Jamie the flying pitch.

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