Chapter Thirty

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(Totally see a Gryffindor doing this...)
(*cough*Sirius Black*cough*)

A/N: Sorry for the late update but after this next week I will be updating on certain days(hopefully) I will be posting new chapters on at least one of my stories on either Wednesday or Thursday and also on Saturday or Sunday.



  "There you are," the devils said as they dropped down on either side of me.

  "Devils devils," Ry giggled from his spot on Draco's lap.

  "Hi Ry," they both said.

  "What do you want," I groaned.

  "We just missed our mate," Fred said and I glared at him before jumping when I felt George grab my thigh under the table.

  "Play nice," he growled quietly in my ear and I shivered.

 "I...Uh...Draco we need to get to class," I said quickly getting up and basically pulled Draco who was still holding Ry out of the Great Hall and towards the charms classroom.

   "What was that about?" Draco demanded as we took our seats placing Ry between us.

  "N-nothing," I stuttered staring down at my brother who was playing with his stuffed dragon's wings trying to make him fly.

  "Are they your..."

  "Yes and they are driving me crazy," I growled. "They show up out of nowhere, get angry when I talk to other guys and girls besides our friends, and they are now getting all touchy-feely and I can't take any more of it."

  "Can't help you out there," Draco chuckled and I noticed he was playing with Ry's hair.

  "Ry's your mate isn't he," I said and Draco froze.

  "Yes he is and you aren't taking him away from me," he glared.

  "Wasn't planning on it," I said. "Just promise me you'll take care of him and won't ever let him feel unloved again."

  "He will never feel that way if I have any say in it," Draco said and I nodded as Professor Flitwick entered the room saying that we were going to review the levitation charm. Thirty minutes into the lesson I had managed to get the brick I was given to raise off the table about two inches before it fell back down.

  "Wha dat word?" Ry asked and I looked down at him to see that he was watching Draco and I practice.

  "Its a spell that can make things float around in the air," I explained and Ry stood up in his chair. "You pronounce it as Wingarium Leviosa. Do you want to try?"

  "Yah," Ry said and I smiled not sure if anything would happen since he hadn't had any bouts of accidental magic. "Wingardium Leviosa."

  Nothing happened and Ry pouted before his dragon toy rose high into the air and I gaped up at it in surprise.

  "Me dids it," Ry squealed and I smiled before yelping when the toy suddenly flew down before going back up and flying around the room like a real dragon.

  "Are you doing that?" Draco asked.

  "No," I shook my head before I noticed that Ry was moving his hands around in a circle and the toy was following his hand movements perfectly. "Ry's doing it on his own."

   Draco blink before he grinned when he realized that I was right and we along with everyone else in the classroom watched the little dragon toy fly around before it stopped above Ron and suddenly started wacking him on the head harshly causing everyone to laugh before Neville grabbed the toy before Ron or Hermione could do anything to it and he gave it back to Ry. After getting out of class I carried Ry to Snape's private rooms to drop him off.

  "WAVEN!" Ry yelled as soon as we entered the living corridors and I set him down on the ground.

  "Me make Dwaco fwy," Ry said excitedly.

  "What?" Snape asked confused.

  "We were reviewing the levitation charm in class and Ry wanted to try and he made his toy fly around the room a few times," I explained. 

  "Most eleven year old can't do that," Snape said and I nodded.

  "Ry, I have to go okay," I said and he ran up to me hugging my legs. "You be good for Raven and your Papa."

  "I bes good," Ry smiled. "Bye-bye Swuffles."

  "See you later," I chuckled before nodding at Snape and leaving to get to my next class.

*Tom Marvolo Riddle Gaunt*

  "WHAT?!" I snarled when Lucius told me that Lillian was released on Albus's orders. "When did this happen?"

  "Last night," Lucius sighed dropping into the chair that was across from my office desk. "She got away with a warning but isn't allowed near Hadrian. Frank and Alastor tried to get the order to get her back in custody but they had no luck."

   "Son of a..."

  "PAPA!" a small child's voice yelled and I looked at the door to see Severus and Hadrian standing in the doorway.

  "What's going on here?" Severus asked.

  "Lillian was released because of Albus," Lucius said and Severus growled lowly.

  "Down Waven," Hadrian said and Severus set Hadrian on the ground and he ran over to me holding his hands up. "Up Papa. Me wants up, pwease."

  "Did you have fun this week?" I asked feeling my magic calm down as I stared down at him.

  "Yay," he giggled. "I make Dwaco fwy in cwass wif Dwagon ands Snuwwles."

  "You did?" I asked surprised.

   "I do it all bys myself," Hadrian smiled.

  "Hadrian why don't you go play in your room," Severus said.

  "Otay," Hadrian giggled and I set him down and he walked over to the door. "Bye-bye Uwle Luci."

  "Bye Hadrian," Lucius smiled and the small child ran out of the room with Nagini following after him.

  "Explain what happened," Severus demanded.


  I was coloring a picture for Papa as I laid beside Nagini when she suddenly started hissing loudly and I looked up to see a woman with red hair standing beside my bed.

  "Whos you?" I asked suddenly scared.

  "I'm your mommy," the woman said.

 "No yous not," I said. "My mama go bye-bye, dat why I wif Papa ands Waven."

  "Baby," the woman said. "They took you away from me. I've been looking for you as has your daddy. I'm here to bring you home."

  "I no know you," I said as the colors surrounding her started to go from a pretty red to almost black. "Go way." 

  "Not without you," she said in a hard voice and she grabbed my arm.

  "NO! PAPA! RAVEN!" I yelled before I got the feeling that I was going to get sick came over me.

  "Shut it you stupid brat," the lady yelled angrily and I got shoved into a small room and the door was shut leaving me in the dark.

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