Chapter Eight

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  I could hear yelling and could only make out a few words as I sat on the floor thinking about everything and wishing they Arcturus was here to explain everything but he went missing last year like he said he would. Thinking back to everything that Arcturus told and taught him he knows that he needs to keep his secrets hidden...A knock on the door started him and he watched the purple blue-white colors walk in.

  "Its just me," Jamie said and I watched the colors move closer before something was lightly dropped on the floor followed by two more light thuds and something sliding closer. "I just slid a tray in front of you it has a glass of milk, a glass of pumpkin juice, two grilled cheese sandwiches and a bowl of broccoli cheddar soup. Milk is in the top left corner of the tray same as the pumpkin only its on the right the sandwiches are right in front of you and the soup is straight back and the spoon is on the right side of the sandwiches."

  Carefully reaching out until my fingers hit something warm and gooey I picked it up and brought it to my nose and I sniffed it grinning when it smell fresh before stuffing in my mouth moaning and I did that until the sandwich was gone. Then I reached my hand out til it touch something cold and I picked it up bringing it to my mouth smiling when the mildly sweet taste of milk touched my tongue and I heard Jamie giggle.


  I watched Hadrian stuff his sandwich in his moth before grinning as he drank his milk and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw he has a milk mustache and I fell back when he tilted his head and gave me a confused look that reminded me is a muggle show I watched one time.

  "Sorry," I gasped. "You have a milk mustache."

  He shook his head wiping his sleeve across his mouth before picking up the bowl of soup and drinking it.

  "You still have pumpkin juice if your thirsty," I said drinking my milk only to get covered in the pumpkin juice a second later and I could see Hadrian rubbing his mouth with a disgusted expression.

  "I'm going to take it pumpkin juice is no from now on," I said and he blushed so I set my glass of apple juice on the tray. "If you'll reach for the bottom right of the tray you'll find a glass of apple juice. I don't like the pumpkin juice either but I love apple juice."

  "Apple is better," he whispered drinking the juice and pushing the tray back before wrapping his arms around his knees.


  I sat against the wall watching Jamie's colors moving when he shifted but then I thought back to the only other purple color I had ever had this close to me and I was suddenly sad wishing I knew what happened to him. 

  "So I guess you would want a layout of the room?" Jamie said pulling me out of my thoughts and I nodded my head staring at him. "Well everything is against the wall except the dresser that is against the foot of the bed. Straight across from where we are sitting is a door that leads to the bathroom and you don't have to share with anyone unlike me."

  "Why?" I asked confused.

  "My room is across from yours but the bathroom connects to another bedroom that belongs to Teddy," Jamie said. "He's our god brother and he's pretty cool. He was actually there when we saved you and brought you here. He has blue hair and acts like Sirius and Remus when it comes to most things."

  "Remus? Sirius?" I asked softly moving so I was sitting with my legs crossed and rested my elbows on my knees.

  "Their our god fathers...Well actually Sirius is your god father while Remus is mine but we're both their cubs."


  "Yeah it comes with a story," he said. "They call their family a pack so most of the time they get called my dogfathers instead of godfathers and they call the two of us their cubs while Teddy is their pup since he's their son." 

  There was a knock on the door and I curled into myself when the door opened and a purple with light pink color entered.

  "Hadrian its just Teddy," Jamie said and the color didn't move any closer so I relaxed some but still kept a close eye on it.

  "Hey," the new comers voice sounded and I recognized it from the park. 

  "Park," I whispered. "You were at the park."

  "Yeah we rescued you from the park," Jamie said and I shook my head.

  "No, he was complaining, worrying." I said.

  "How did you..."

  "Jamie the meeting is about to start," Teddy interrupted Jamie. "I figured you wanted to to join." 

  "Yeah," Jamie said jumping up and I shot up pressing myself against the wall. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I'll be back in a moment I just need to be in a meeting."

  Nodding my head I watched the colors leave before I started moving around the room until I found the bed and I curled up on it reaching under my shirt and fingering the locket I kept hidden in my shirt. I was suddenly startled by the sound of yelling and I climbed off the bed feeling along the wall until I found the door and I opened it listening to to voices and I heard Jamie's name being yelled along with mine but then the air shifted and I had a bad feeling so I slowly felt my way towards the voices stopping where they were the loudest.

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