Getting Ready

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(picture is of Lily)

Lily's POV:

I wake up to my alarm blaring "Not Good Enough For Truth in Cliche" by Escape the Fate. I groan and put my face to my pillow. Soon after my roommate/bestfriend, Hailey, walks in my room and starts jumping on my bed. 

"What the hell, Hailey?!?" I yell.

"Come on, get up, Lily! It's our day off, let's go do something fun!!" She yells happier than ever.

"Later, Hailey. I'm tired as fuck right now." I groan.

"But your alarm already rang, that's why I came in here! Get Up, Get Up, GET UP!!!" She whined

"God, you're such a child sometimes!"I said with a chuckle. "Fine, I'll get up."

"YAYYAYYAYYY!!!" She screamed.

"Shush, child, I don't want security called on us, again." I whisper yelled.

"Oh, right, sowwyyy." She said laughing a bit at the end.

"Well, I guess we should start getting ready, if we're gonna go out." I say fully awake now.

"Okee. Well I already took a shower and did my hair, so I'm gonna do my makeup and get dressed while I wait for you." Hailey said exiting my bedroom.

I got off my bed and headed straight for the shower. It took me about 10 minutes to take a shower. Right after I got out, I wrapped my towel around me and looked for some shorts and a shirt. I put those on, only for the time that I did my hair. I decided to curl my hair today. As I was finishing curling my hair, my stomach started to grumble, and I soon realized I hadn't eaten anything at all today. So I went to the kitchen and Hailey had already made some waffles, so I ate 2 of them and asked Hailey where we were going today. She said she wanted to watch some movies then go clubbing around 7. I said that was cool with me and went back to getting ready. When I got back to my bedroom I looked through my dresses. I found the perfect dress for the event and slipped it on. Then I got to work on my makeup. It was pretty simple, just a dark smokey eye, some eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. Then I slipped on some heels, got my wallet and phone, and confidently walked into the living room.(outfit) I checked the time on my phone and it read 12:45. Not bad considering I woke up at 10. Hailey looks amazing! (outfit)

"AAAAHHHHHH!!" I screamed "You look amazing, Hailey!"

"Jesus fuck, Lily, did u have to scream that loud?!" She whined. "But thanks, love! You look amazing as well!!" She complemented back.

"Why, thank you." I say with a slight blush.

"Oh My God! Do you think Jace will like how I look?" She asks.

"Of course he will! I didn't know he was coming?" I question.

"Good. And it was more of a last minute thing." She answers my question.

"Oh cool." I say back. "Well shall we watch some movies? We have 6 hours." I ask.

"Hells yea. What movie do you want to watch?" She asks me.

"You pick you already know how indecisive I am." I say back

"Okee...Corpse Bride?" She asks for my approval.

"YAAASHSHSHSHHHHHH!!" I scream in excitement.

"Okee." She says.

Corpse Bride has been my favorite movie since I was 5. I am currently 22 years young and so are Hailey and Jace. We live in Austin, Texas. Jace, Hailey, and I have known each other since the 2nd grade. We've been bestfriends ever sense. We've always done everything together. It wasn't until the 8th grade that Jace asked Hailey out. You could always tell that they had something for each other, they made it VERY obvious. But they are the cutest couple ever! I on the other hand, always got bullied until the 11th grade and didn't talk much, only to Jace and Hailey. Jace would always stick up for me when people would say shit or push me into the lockers at school. But in the 11th grade that all changed, all the bullies went away and I was finally happy, it was like a miracle, they all looked up to me in the 11th grade. I was popular and so were Jace and Hailey. I never left them behind, we're like 3 peas in a pot. I LOVE them so much!! And here we are today. We all live together in our little two bedroom apartment. Jace is out buying some groceries at the moment, so he won't be back for like another hour...HE TAKES FOREVER!!

By the time I was done thinking, the movie was over. Was I really thinking for an hour straight? Oh welp, I guess I missed the movie. It's currently 3 pm and Jace is finally back. When Jace sees Hailey his jaw immediately drops.

"Close your mouth, loverboy." I wave a hand in front of his face. "You're gonna catch flies, Jace." I laugh a little.

Finally, Hailey decides to get up and kiss him on the cheek. "Hi babe." She says with a smile. 

He finally snaps out of it. "Oh, hi babe. How long was I out for?" He asks with a chuckle at the end.

"A whole minute!" Hailey says as her eyes widen and she chuckles.

"Cool. So what are you guys doing?" He asks as he watches the credits to the Corpse Bride go down the tv screen.

"We were just watching the Corpse Bride. We plan on watching movies until 7, which is when were gonna leave to go to the club." I answer his question as he puts away the groceries with Hailey, and I put in another movie into the DVD.

"Oh, cool. Can I join?" He asks.

"Well duh, sherlock!" I say laughing a little.

"YAY! What movies up next?" He asks as he and Hailey sit down on the couch arms wrapped around each other.

'I wish I had something like that.' I think to myself.

"The Nightmare Before Christmas!" I answer his question.

"YASHHH! Best movie ever!!" He says excited.

"I know right." Hailey and I say at the same time.

The movie's a little bit over 2 hours long, so it'll end around 6. I go into the kitchen and see if we have popcorn. I end up making 2 bags of popcorn because I know Jace will eat one bag all by himself. Once the popcorn's done microwaving I walk back to the couch where my friends are all cuddled up. 'It's so cute!' I think to myself. 

When the movie ended it was 6:30, so we decided to just go walking to the club since its only 30 minutes away from here and we gotta be there by 7. We all grabbed our stuff, and some extra cash to pay for a cab so we can get back home tonight, then we left.

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