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Lily's POV:

The guys finish up their set, and run off the stage. Kellin runs towards me, and hugs me.

"Babe, I love you, but you're really fucking sweaty right now." I whine.

Kellin chuckles. "Let's go back to the bus! I need a shower." He says as he puts his right arm over my shoulders. 

"Yes, you do." I say chuckling. 

"Hey!" Kellin exclaims in offense, but chuckles.

I giggle. 

We make our way back to the bus. Kellin opens the door, and I go in first. Kellin comes in and goes directly into the bathroom, to take a shower. I chuckle. I sit down on the couch, and get on my phone. It's really silent on the bus, sense all the guys are out in the venue goofing around with other bands. I see that I have a text from Hailey, so I open it.

Hailey<3: DUDEEE !!! Somebody uploaded a video on youtube of you and Kellin on stage! That was so cute!!<3 You guys are an adorable couple. Jace and I were freaking out when we saw it. xDD Miss you doll. We love you!<3

I respond after I read her message.

Me: Really?!? Already?! Damn. xDD It was amazing! I was really nervous at first but then, when I got on the stage, I was so excited and fearless! We're gonna do it at every show. I'm so excited !! And, thanks. I miss you guys lots. Love you guys, talk to you later!<3

Once I was done texting, Hailey, I went on youtube, and there it was, on my recommended. The video of Kellin and I on stage. Luckily, it was by a supportive fan. It was titled: "Kellin Quinn Introduces His New Girlfriend, Lily, To Phoenix, Arizona Warped!". I chuckled, but didn't watch it. I started watching, Shane Dawson.

After 15 minutes, Kellin comes out of the bathroom. Before he even sits next to me, he attacks me in kisses. All over my face, neck, and chest. I giggle, as he does. When he finally stops, I end up on his lap. 

"I've been waiting all day to do that." Kellin says smiling, with a chuckle at the end of his sentence.

I giggle and peck his lips. As I'm pulling away, Kellin's phone rings. Kellin frowns, but takes his phone out of his back pocket. When he looks at the, Caller ID, he just stares. 

"Babe, who is it?" I ask him worried.

"It's, Katelynne." He says with a blank stare. "But, I don't know why she's calling me." He says dumbfound.

With that last sentence, his phone stops ringing. "Oh." I say with a blank stare. 

It's not that I think Kellin's cheating on me, it's just I'm confused as to why, Katelynne's calling him. 

Kellin's phone starts ringing again. I'm guessing it's Katelynne. 

"Babe, you gotta answer. If she's calling again, it might be important." I say trying to sound mature.

Kellin gives me a sympathetic smile, and answers his phone. "Hello?" He says.

I can hear her voice from Kellin's phone. "Umm, Kellin?" She asks.

"Yea." Kellin says looking at me with a blank stare.

"I know you're probably busy right now, or on tour, or something, but I need a favor from you." She says.

"Umm, ok. What is it?" Kellin asks.

"Do you think you can take care of, Copeland, for about 3 months or so?" She asks. 

"Three months?!" Kellin asks as his eyes go wide.

"She won't talk to me, Kellin. She misses you. She says she wants to be with you. Plus, I won't be able to take care of her, I have to go on a business trip for my clothing company, and other shit. So I'm leaving, Rowan and Liam, with their dad, and I want to know if, Copeland, can stay with you." She explains.

"I mean, I don't care if, Copeland, has to stay with me for 3 months. If it were for me, I would keep her forever. I love my baby. I was just wondering why you couldn't take care of her for 3 months." Kellin says with a smile.

"Well, now ya know." Katelynne says with a chuckle. "Where are you guys currently?" She asks.

"We're in Arizona." Kellin says kind of confused.

"Oh, ok. Well, we're in California. So, when do you think will be the best time to fly her over there with you guys?" She asks. 

"Actually, we're on Warped right now, so flying isn't the best idea. But, we're going to California next. We play four shows in Cali. What part of California are you guys at?" Kellin asks getting a little excited. 

I chuckle, and he smirks at me.

"We're in L.A, duh." Katelynne says with a slight laugh.

"Ok, well our next show is in L.A. So, is tomorrow good?" Kellin asks.

"Yepp." Katelynne says.

"Ok well, I wanna surprise her, so don't say anything. Just pack her stuff when she's distracted or sleeping." Kellin says.

"Ok, I will. Thanks so much, Kellin." She says.

"No problem. Talk to you tomorrow." Kellin says.

"Ok, bye." Katelynne says before she hangs up.

I look up at Kellin as he puts his phone away. Kellin looks up at me and smiles wide as fuck. I smile back, and out of nowhere he gives me a big ass hug.

"Kellin, I can't breathe." I say, actually running out of air, as he hugs me.

"Oh, sorry, babe." He says in a hurry as he lets go.

I take in a big breath, and chuckle slightly. 

"I'm just so excited!" He says all cheery.

I chuckle.

"It's been forever since I last saw, Copeland. Katelynne tries to keep her away from me. That's why I didn't wanna answer the phone. Last time I saw Copeland, was when she was three. Now, she's 5." Kellin says as a tear rolls down his cheek.

I smile and wipe it off. "I'm so happy for you, babe. I can't wait to meet her." I say excited as well.

"She'll love you!" Kellin says reassuringly, before he kisses my left cheek.

I smile. 

"I can't wait to tell the guys! They love her, and she loves them! This is going to be great! I'm so excited!" Kellin says all hyped up.

I chuckle. "I really wanna meet her. From the videos I've seen of her, she seems like a trip." I say giggling.

"She is." Kellin says laughing. "Babe, let's go outside! Let's go have some fun or something." He says excitedly.

"Okee." I say as I get off his lap and get up.

Kellin gets up, and we exit the bus.

'Hmm...what are we gonna do today?' I wonder to myself, as Kellin and I walk around the venue hand in hand.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now