Save Me A Spark

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Lily's POV:

My alarm rings, and I turn it off.

Yesterday was amazing! After Copeland got out of the shower, I dyed my hair, then dyed Kellin's hair. We look amazing! Justin ended up wanting a blue streak in his hair, so I dyed it for him. He actually looks pretty good with blue hair. He only has one streak, which looks good with his blonde hair. Justin's hair looks something like this. After I dyed Justin's hair, everybody went out for pizza, which was amazing! By that time it was 8 and Copeland was tired, so we went back to the bus. Kellin and I tucked Cope into bed, then we wrote some songs. It was pretty cool. We finished at like 2 in the morning! So, we went right to bed after that. Hailey ended up texting me at 12. She said she had a busy day at work and was really frustrated, but she was happy for Kellin and I. I decide to text Hailey, before I wake Kellin up.

Me: Hey, doll. How are ya? Miss you. <3

I get a reply almost immediately, afterwards.

Hailey<3: Hewwoo! Miss you, too, doll. And, I'm fine. I'm in a really good mood actually. Jace and I are gonna go on a picnic, soon. What are ya doing today?

Me: Cool! And, I actually don't know, yet. I just woke up. xD

Hailey<3: Loll! xD Well, whatever ya do, have fun! It's L.A. Do something fun, spend some time with Cope and Kells

Me: Good idea, Hails! I'm gonna see if after Sleeping's set, Kellin, Cope, and I can go to a park. I wanna spend some family time with them.

Hailey<3: Nice! Have fun, doll. And, I see Cope's calling you, Mommy, now!😍 That's so cute! I'm so happy for you guys. You finally found a proper family, Lills. <3

Me: I will, thanks! And yea, Kellin and Cope make me feel so happy and loved. Thanks, Hails. I'm also really happy for you. I did find my family, the only thing is, I wish you guys were here. You guys would complete my family. <3

Hailey<3: Jace and I wish we were over there, too. But, don't stress, doll. We'll see each other soon! Thanks, love. I gotta go, Jace is ready. Jace and I love you very much, and can't wait to see you! Talk to ya later. <3

Me: Okee. Love you! Miss ya guys very much. Ttyl.<3

After I send that last text, I put my phone in my sweater, and lay back down facing Kellin. "Babe, it's time to wake up." I say before I kiss Kellin's cheek. 

Kellin smiles, and wakes up. "Good morning, beautiful." 

I smile. "Good morning." I say with a pause. "Babe, do you think we can take Copeland out to a park today?" I ask Kellin. "You know, so we can spend some time together, as a family." I say with hopeful eyes.

Kellin grins. "I love that idea! When do ya wanna go?" Kellin questions.

I smile in relief. "After your guys's set." I say.

"Awesome! I take a shower, we go to the park, then we go to the barbecue that warped is having." Kellin says with a wide smile. 

I return the smile, and agree. "Are you guys gonna go to soundcheck today?" I ask Kellin.

"Ehh...I'm not in the mood, so I'm not going. But, I don't know about the guys." Kellin says.

"Okee, well let's watch something. Cause, I know I'm not going back to sleep." I say with a giggle.

"Yea, me too. Once I'm up, I don't go back to sleep." Kellin agrees.

I chuckle. "Okee." I say with a smile.

Kellin takes his phone out, and puts on Shane. We're currently watching one of his conspiracy theory videos. Kellin and I end up watching, Shane Dawson, until 12. 

"I think we should start getting ready." Kellin says, as he puts his phone away. 

"Yea." I say with a smile.

"Babe, I love you." Kellin says as he looks into my eyes.

I smile. "I love you, too, babe." I say.

"I'm serious about those words, you know that right?" Kellin asks.

"Of course! I don't take love for granted, babe. Don't ever doubt me. I'm just as serious about those words as you." I say with a warm smile, as I cup his cheek.

Kellin returns the smile, and kisses me. The kiss is nice and full of pure love. 

Once we pull away, I say, "I could never ask for anything more. You and Cope, are my happy ending. You guys make feel happy and loved. I feel like I've finally found a home and a proper family with you guys." I mean all of the words that I am saying. 

Kellin smiles. "I'm glad you feel that way, because I feel the exact same way." Kellin says before he kisses my forehead. 

I smile. "Come on, let's get ready." I say.

Kellin returns the smile, and jumps out of the bunk.

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