Dance Party

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Lily's POV:

The guys, Copeland, and I left PTV's bus at like 12:15. We all got ready, and awhile later the guys played their set. It was raining once again, but it was still fun. The guys and I are currently at the backstage area. Copeland's on the bus with Lindsay, sense it's thundering, and she's scared of the thunder.

It's starts to rain harder, so everybody goes inside their buses. The guys and I go inside our bus, and Jack decides to take a shower, sense he's soaking wet. I'm surprised the rest of us aren't as wet. I sit on the couch, and Kellin plops down next to me putting his right arm around my shoulders. I place my head on his shoulder, he places his on mine, and we soon fall asleep.

(Time Skip: 4:56)

I wake up from my slumber, and look around. All of the guys are in their bunks sleeping, and Copeland is in her bunk asleep as well. I look at Kellin, and he's smiling at me.

"Hey, beautiful." Kellin says.

I smile, and say, "Hey, Kells."

"Did you have a peaceful slumber?" Kellin asks me.

"Actually, yea." I respond.

"That's good, I did too." Kellin says.

"Hey, you know what we should do?!" I say getting an idea.

"What?" Kellin asks me with a chuckle.

"We should play in the rain!" I say grinning like a child.

Kellin takes a look outside, then makes his decision. "No way, babe! It's raining hard as fuck out there." Kellin says, which makes me frown.

"Please, babe?" I beg.

Kellin rolls his eyes in surrender. "Ok, fine. But only for a little bit." He says giggling.

"Yayyyy!" I exclaim, and bolt up from the couch like a child.

Kellin gets up, and follows me out the door.

"This is so much fun!" I say spinning in the rain. 

Kellin chuckles, as he wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, and smile. Kellin crashes his lips against mine, and we kiss in the pouring rain. 

'This is so romantic!' I think to myself, as we pull away.

Kellin picks me up, and twirls me around. I giggle as he does so. 

"I love you." Kellin says as he hugs me tight.

Before I can respond, everything goes black.

Yet again, another crappy chapter! Sorry guys, the next chapter will be better. A little bit of drama will be included! Stick with me, please! Love you guys, sooo much! Stay awesome, stay sweet, and stay beautiful! <3

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