The Left Side of Everywhere

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Lily's POV:

We get to the venue, and Kellin parks the car in the lot. Kellin gets out of the car, then runs over to my side and opens my door. Copeland chuckles at his actions, which makes me smile. I get out of the car, and Kellin closes my door as he smiles at me. I smile back, obviously. I open Copeland's door, unbuckle her, and pick her up. She smiles at me, and I smile back. Copeland's currently on my hip, messing around with my sunglasses. I close her door, and Kellin closes the trunk. He has Copeland's bags in his right arm, and her carry on in his left arm. Kellin locks up the car, and we start heading towards the bus. When we reach the bus, I open the door. Kellin walks in first, and Copeland and I go in second. I shut the door to the bus, afterwards. Justin and Gabe are playing video games, Jack's making lunch for everybody, and Nick's on his phone. They all look up from what they're doing once I come in.

"Copeland!" They all yell.

Copeland giggles. 

Gabe pauses the video game, Jack puts the stove on low, and Nick gets up from the couch. They all start walking towards, Copeland and I.  

"Come here, Cope." Jack says, as he reaches out his arms.

Copeland smiles. "Uncle, Jack!" Copeland exclaims happily.

I pass her over to, Jack.

The guys start messing around and talking to Copeland. All the attention is on her. I chuckle. I soon notice, Kellin's not around. I go into the bunk area, and find Kellin setting up Copeland's bunk, which is the bunk, Hailey and Jace slept in. I walk over to him, and he smiles at me when he sees me. I smile back, and watch what he does, as I sit down on the bunk in front of Cope's bunk. He puts a puffy pillow that says, "Princess", as a back board, he puts a fluffy pillow in front of it, and puts more pillow's in front of the big puffy pillow, with printing on them. Kellin puts Copeland's blankets on the bunk, they're rainbow patterned blankets, with clouds and unicorns. Kellin also puts some stuffed animals on the side of her bunk, lining them up until the very end of it. There's bears, dogs, lambs, kitties, etc. To finish up the decoration of Copeland's bunk, Kellin adds stickers to her wall, that say, "Princess", and replaces the light brown curtains, with rainbow curtains. 

"Wow! You really do go all out when it comes to decorating." I say as Kellin finishes decorating Copeland's bunk.

Kellin chuckles, and looks at the bunk. "Do you think she'll like it?" Kellin asks insecurely. 

"Babe, of course she'll like it! It's so adorable! I love it! I can't stop obsessing over it." I say with a giggle.

Kellin chuckles, and turns around to face me. He smiles at me, and I smile back. He starts crawling towards me, and I smirk. Once he reaches me, he kisses me roughly, but passionately. I kiss back, obviously. The kiss lasts for about two minutes, until we both pull away for air, and anything serious happens. 

"I think we should go to the 'living room'. We've been gone for a while, and the guys are gonna start to question where we are." I say.

Kellin chuckles. "Yea." He says as he gets up.

Kellin reaches his left hand out for me to grab, which I do. He pulls me up, and ends up pressed against the bunks, which means my body is pressed against his. I look up at him, and he looks down at me. Kellin pecks my lips slowly. I smile as we pull away. I back away from Kellin, so he can walk. This time, I grab his hand, and intertwine our fingers, as we walk towards the exit.

Once we get to the 'living room', Copeland yells out for me. "Mommy!" She exclaims.

I smile, and take her from Justin's arms. I hug her tight, and the guys all look at me with a, good-job-you-did-it, face. I smile. 

Sorry for the short chapter guys! I really didn't know what to write, so this is just more of a filler. But now that Copeland's in the story, things will be a bit more interesting. I love Copeland dearly, and now that she's in the story, I want to make things more fun! I'm really excited for future chapters including Copeland. Love you, guys, so much! Please, stick with me through this crazy adventure. Thanks for reading!<3<3<3

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