The Grocery Store and Fans

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Lily's POV:

We get to the grocery store, and Kellin gets a cart. 

"Alright Cope, it's time to get in the cart." Kellin says as we walk down an isle. 

"Ok, but can it not be the seat? That's uncomfortable." Cope asks.

"Sure." Kellin says.

I grab Cope from Kellin's back, as she releases her arms from his neck, then I place her in the cart. She stands up, and starts looking around the isles.

"Babe, can you take over, real quick? I gotta text Gabe to see what we need." Kellin asks.

"Sure, baby." I say with a small smile. 


Kellin's POV: 

Lily starts walking around the isles, the cart in front of her, as I text Gabe.

Me: Hey, dude, what do we need?

Dilby XD(Gabe): Hold on, let me check real quick.

Me: K, dude.

After 5 minutes, I get a response from Gabe. 

Dilby XD: Ok, we need: meat(any type), monster, soda, juice(for the young one<3), milk, breakfast foods(anything), bread, eggs, bacon, candy(yes, it's a necessity!), cereal, and snacks. :)

Me: Damm, dude! We bought food 2 weeks ago, where'd it all go? xD Anyways, thanks, we'll be back in a few with everything. 

Dilby XD: IKR!!! xD And, thank you, dude! 

Me: :)

I put my phone away, then I look up at Lily. 

'God, even with all her scars, she's so beautiful! I'm so lucky to call her mine.'  I think to myself, as I blush a bit.

Lily notices that I'm looking at her, and she smiles at me. I return the smile, and start speaking. 

"Ok, we need meat, monster, soda, juice, milk, breakfast foods, bread, eggs, bacon, candy, cereal, and snacks." I say really quickly.

Lily's eyes go wide. "Damn all of that?!" Lily asks me surprised. 

I chuckle a bit. "I know right!" I say.

"Alright, well, what are we getting first?" Lily asks me.

"The drinks!" I exclaim with a chuckle. 

Lily laughs, and starts pushing the cart towards the drinks area. Once we get there, we grab two coke's, two sprite's, and two pepsi's. We walk towards the refrigerator area, and grab 4 orange juices, two apple juices, and three milks. Lastly, to finally accomplish the drink list, we grab two 24 packs of monster. Before we can leave the drinks area, two teenage girls walk up to me.

"Hey Kellin. I'm Audrey, and this is my friend Adreanna." The girl by the name of, Audrey says, as the other girl, Adreanna waves. 

"Hi." Adreanna says with a warm smile.

I smile, and wave. "Wassup?" I ask the young girls.

"We're really big fans, and we we're wondering if we could get your autograph?" Audrey asks. 

"Of course! No problem at all." I say with a smile.

Audrey takes out her phone, and asks, "Can you sign my phone?" 

I nod, she takes out a sharpie, and I sign her phone case. 

"Can we also take a picture?" Audrey asks.

"Yea!" I say, with a smile. 

I wrap my right arm around Audrey's shoulders, smile, she smiles as well, then she takes the picture. "Thank you, so much, Kellin!" Audrey says, and I nod.

I walk up to Adreanna, which is talking to Lily. They take a picture with Copeland, and Adreanna thanks Lily. 

"No problem." Lily says with a warm smile.

Adreanna turns towards me, and asks, "Can we take a picture?" 

"Of course!" I say and smile.

Adreanna returns the smile, and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. We smile, and she takes the picture. "Thanks, Kellin." Adreanna says.

"No problem." I say with a smile, then they walk off. 

Lily puts Copeland back in the cart, and looks up at me afterwards, smiling. 

I return the smile, and Lily asks, "Does this happen everywhere you go?" She asks with a chuckle.

"Most of the time, yea." I say with a chuckle.

Lily smiles, then says, "Alright, well, let's keep going." She says about to push the cart.

As she starts walking, I say, "Babe, I got it from here." I say before I peck her soft, thin lips.

Lily smiles after we pull away, and nods. We start walking and Lily asks, "Ok, where to now?"

"The meats! Those are very important." I say with a chuckle.

Lily chuckles, and we start heading towards the meat isles. We get bacon, pork chops, steaks, ribs, chicken, sausages, and hamburger patties. Once were done with the meats, we look for eggs and bread. We get 6 dozen eggs, four loafs of bread, 2 loafs of hamburger bread, and two loafs of hot dog bread. Then we decide to get the breakfast foods.

We get French toast, toaster struddles, waffles, pancakes, oatmeal, etc. Once we're done picking out the breakfast foods, it's time for the fun part. It's time to get candy!! But first, we have to get cereal and fruits. Snacks and candy are basically the same thing for me, so after we get cereal and fruits, then it's time for the fun part.

For cereal we grab Krave, Corn Flakes, Apple Jacks, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, and Cheerios. Then we start heading towards the fruits. We get apples, oranges, tangerines, peaches, plums, grapes, strawberries, watermelon, and bananas. Now it's time for the fun part!! I'm so excited! In my head there's a full on party happening, cause I'm so happy, but outside, my face is so serious. That's how I've always been.

We start walking towards the snack/candy area. We get gummies, marshmallows, cookies, chips, yogurt, and just basically a hella ton of candy. Now it's time to pay. Thank God, the store isn't too full, so this won't take so long. We start walking towards the register. Once we get there, Lily takes Copeland out of the cart, and I start putting our stuff on the moving mebob thing. Once Cope is on her feet, Lily starts helping me out. 

It's time to pay, and the total is $179.89.

'Wow! That's cheap for all of the stuff we got.' I think to myself.

I pay for our stuff, and we start walking out of the store, the cart in front of me. Once we get to the car, I unlock it and open the trunk. Lily buckles Copeland up, and gives her some gummies, while she helps me put everything in the trunk. Once we're done, I close the trunk, Lily gets in the car, and I put the cart away. I walk back to the car soon after, start the engine, and drive off. 

'This was definitely a fun day!' I think to myself as I smile.

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