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Lily's POV: 

I wake up on Kellin's lap, on the couch. My head is pounding, and I have a terrible headache. I look around, and we're still at PTV's bus. Tony's on the ground hugging a whisky bottle, smiling in his somehow peaceful slumber. As I'm about to get up from Kellin's lap, he pulls me back down. I smile, and kiss his soft lips. Kellin smiles into the kiss, and kisses back deeply. 

As we're kissing, Kellin starts going down my neck. He starts by pecking my neck, than kissing my neck. I can tell he's still a little drunk, so I just go along with him, even though I'm still enjoying this very lust filled kiss. After searching for about 30 seconds, Kellin finally finds my sweet spot, which causes me to let out a small moan. I guess Kellin heard it because he kept kissing and sucking on the same spot for awhile. As Kellin's kissing my collar bones, I start tugging on his hair. I can feel Kellin smirk against my chest.

"Kellin." I moan, which makes him start pecking my neck, and start going up to my lips.

Kellin kisses me roughly, but passionately. I do the same. Kellin bites my lip pulling away, leaving me wanting more.

"You tease." I say blushing a tomato red.

Kellin chuckles, and says, "Do you still have that headache?" Kellin asks me.

This is why I love Kellin, he knows me so well already. "Actually, it's gone." I say.

"Good." Kellin says with a smile.

I return the smile and snuggle my head into his chest, as I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his arms around my lower back. "How's your head?" I ask Kellin with a small giggle.

"Surprisingly good." Kellin says, then stares at Tony. "He looks hilarious." Kellin says bursting out into laughter. 

I chuckle, and say, "I know right."

Soon after, Vic comes out of the bunk area. Kellin and I look up at him. 

"Morning." Vic says.

"Wassup?" Kellin says.

"Hey, Vic." I say, with a smile.

Vic returns the smile, and makes himself some toast. Meanwhile Kellin tries to wake up Tony, and I get a water from the fridge. 

"Dude, why am on the floor?" I hear Tony ask Kellin. 

Kellin chuckles, as he pulls Tony up from the ground.

"You're gonna need this." I tell Tony, as I give him the water bottle and some Ibuprofen.

"Why-nevermind." Tony says rubbing his head, as he drinks the pills. 

"A fact about Tony, he never remembers anything from the night he gets drunk, until he gets a headache." Vic says with a chuckle.

I giggle, and Kellin chuckles.

"Uhh...Kellin, your hair." Tony says, with a wink.

Kellin blushes a bit, and chuckles. 

I blush hard, and sit on the couch next to Kellin, who's doing his hair. 

"Dude, what time is it?" Vic asks, sitting next to Tony on the couch.

Tony takes out his phone, and says, "It's 8:56." 

"It's way too damn early to be up." Mike says, coming out of the bunk room, and going into the bathroom.

"Well once I wake up, I can't go back to sleep, so movies anyone?" Vic asks.

"We should watch, 'Dirty Grandpa'!" Mike exclaims from the bathroom. 

The guys and I laugh, then Vic says, "Ok, you coming?" Vic asks Mike.

"Yepp." Mike says as he exits the bathroom. 

Vic puts on the movie, and we start watching it, as Mike makes some popcorn.

Hey guys...:( Sorry for the crappy chapter. I've been feeling really depressed for awhile, and when I'm depressed I get a lot of writers block. I'll try to update as much as I can. I know it's not an excuse, but I'm trying to write as much as I can. Love you guys, soooooo much. I'm so sorry, I'll try to make the next chapter better! <3 Stay awesome, stay sweet, and stay beautiful, my lovelies! <3 (a little something I worked on)

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