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*5 years later*

Lily's POV:

"Mom, when is Dad coming home?" Copeland asks me.

"In an hour, sweetheart." I reply as I stir the pasta in the pot, and look at my wedding ring, as I smile. Kellin is getting back from tour soon. "Cope, where are your brothers?" I ask Copeland.

"Hold on, just let me finish this levellll-annndddd, boom! Ok, so what was the question?" Copeland asks me.

"Seriously, Cope. You gotta stop playing that game." I say with a chuckle.

"Sorryyy." She drags out.

I smile. "It's ok. Now, where are your brothers?" I ask Cope once again.

"Mom, which ones?" Copeland asks me with a chuckle.

"Iris and Killiann." I respond.

"They're in their room playing with their toys and watching TV." Copeland answers my question simply.

"Ok. Honey, do you think you can stir this while I go check on the triplets and the twins?" I ask Cope, yet another question.

"Sure, Mom." She replies.

Copeland takes the spoon, and starts stirring the pasta. I run down the hall and up the stairs to Sofia, Skyler, and Sapphire's room. They're all asleep. Thank goodness Kellin and I bought our own place. I would always get lost in the band's house, and always be late to the triplets when they were crying. We bought this place after we had the twins. I go check on Lucy and Lucas, and they're wide awake and messing with the toys in their cribs.

I take them from their cribs, change their diapers, and put them in their bouncers. I bring them downstairs to the living room, so they can watch TV with Copeland.

"Ok Cope, I'll be right back." I tell her, and she nods.

I go back upstairs and check on Iris and Killiann. "Hey guys. You having fun?" I ask my handsome sons.

"Yea." They both say. "Is Daddy almost home?" Iris asks me.

"Yep, almost." I reply back. "Come downstairs, dinner is almost ready." I tell them.

"Ok, Mommy." They say and get up.

Right after the triplets start crying. The boys run downstairs, and I walk to the triplets bedroom. I check their diapers and everything's fine, so I'm guessing they're hungry. I give them their bottles, and they start drinking right away. I then put Sofia and Skyler in their bouncers, and place them next to Lucy and Luke. I go back upstairs, and get Sapphire. I put him inside his bouncer, walk back downstairs and place him next to Luke.

Now that all the babies are watching TV in the living room, I go into the kitchen, and see Iris and Killiann bothering Copeland.

"Mom, Iris and Killiann won't stop bugging me." Copeland whines.

I chuckle. "Ok, Iris and Killiann, go to the living room and watch TV or entertain your siblings." I tell them. They nod, and do as told.

I take over in the kitchen, then there's a knock on the door. "DADDY!" Copeland exclaims, and opens the door. The boys run to the door as well.

"Hey princess!" Kellin says as he hugs Copeland tight, and spins her around in his arms. He let's go of Copeland, and hugs both of the boys tight. "How're my boys?" Kellin ask the boys.

They respond with, "Good, how was the tour, Daddy?"

"Amazing! You know, just the same, but still amazing." He tells them. "I brought gifts for everyone, too!" Kellin says.

The kids yay, and the babies make noises. I turn off the stove and walk over to them. "Cope start setting up the table. Have your brothers help you." I tell the kids. Cope nods, as well as the boys, and they start setting up.

"Well, hello there beautiful." Kellin says with a huge grin, as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. Kellin leans in and kisses me passionately. He can still make me blush when he kisses me after 5 years. I gotta give him props.

"I missed you so much." I say.

"Me too, baby." Kellin says. "Now, let me see those beautiful babies." Kellin says with a glow in his eyes.

I giggle, intertwine our fingers, and we start walking into the living room. Copeland and the boys are done setting up the table, so they're sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Oh my goodness! I missed you guys so much!" Kellin coos. "Wow. The triplets have gotten so big." Kellin says as he looks at me. I nod in response. "Alright well, let's eat cause I'm hungry!" Kellin declares. We all chuckle, and start eating afterwards.


Alright guys, that's the last chapter! I hope y'all enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did please comment, vote, and follow me for more. I love you guys, sooo much! Thank you so much for reading! See ya! Remember, stay awesome, stay sweet, and stay beautiful! Muah! <3 xx ~Nyss <3

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