Roger Rabbit

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Lily's POV:

As soon as Hailey and I got home, Copeland came running towards me from the living room.

"Mommy!" Cope exclaimed as she jumped into my arms.

"Hi, baby. How was school?" I ask her.

"Amazing! I didn't get any homework today!" Copeland says with a big grin plastered on her face.

I giggle and start covering her face with kisses. Copeland giggles and giggles until I stop. "I have something to tell you and your uncles." I say with excitement.

"Really?! A sur-" I cover Copeland's mouth before she can finish. "Shhh." I say with a giggle as I put a finger on my lips. Copeland nods and smirks.

Soon enough, Kellin walks in the kitchen. He walks up to Copeland and I, and gives me a sweet kiss on the lips. "Hey babe." Kellin says with a big grin.

I smile before speaking up. After all he caught me off guard. "Hey." I finally say.

"Where are the guys?" I ask Kellin.

"In the living room." Kellin says.

"You didn't say any-" Before I can finish my sentence, Kellin shakes his head. I smile and set Cope on the floor. "Go sit down somewhere in the living room, ok?" I tell Cope.

Copeland nods her head and starts skipping to the living room. "Don't be nervous." Kellin says, obviously noticing I'm a mess.

I smile, and hug him. "Let's do this." I say before releasing out of the hug, and intertwining our fingers.

Kellin and I start walking into the living room. We sit next to each other on the couch across the guys and Cope. Kellin gives my hand a squeeze before I speak up.

"Jack, Gabe, Nick, and Justin, you guys have been my best friends since I joined the tour. Jace you've been like a brother to me ever since the 2nd grade. And Cope, you've been not only a daughter to me, but you and Kellin showed me how to love. I could never ask for a better family, so do you guys mind if we add one more tiny person in?" I look up at the guys with tears in my eyes and a smile.

They all reacted differently. Gabe and Jace shot up from the couch with excitement. Jack sat there with wide eyes trying to comprehend everything. Justin smiled and said, "Congrats!". At first Nick just nodded, and said, "Cool.", then he realized what I had just said, and said, "Wait, you're pregnant?!". To which I nodded. And Cope's reaction was my favorite. She shot up from the couch, and ran up to Kellin and I. She put her ear to my stomach, then kissed it, and said, "I'll protect you always. I'll be the best sibling in the world. I love you." She kissed my stomach once again and smiled. I was in tears by the end.

The day went by with a small celebration, then everyone fell asleep.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now