Don't You Ever Forget About Me

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Lily's POV: 

Once Kellin and I, were done eating, I started getting ready. It took me 2 hours. I took a shower, dressed up, did my hair, and did my makeup.(outfit) It's currently 12:30. I still haven't gotten a text from Hailey.

'I hope she sees my message before we leave!' I think to myself.

I get out of the bathroom and put my stuff away. When I look up, all the boys are in the 'living room'. Kellin's sitting on the couch watching, Justin and Jack, play "Call of Duty". I walk over to the couch, and sit next to him. 

"Finally!" He exclaims. He wraps his left arm around my shoulders, and I snuggle into his chest. "I thought you would never finish." He chuckles, but holds me tight.

I chuckle. "It was only two hours." I say giggling.

"But, it felt like 15 hours." He says with a chuckle. 

"I'm sowwy." I say looking up at him with a puppy face.

He chuckles. "Okee, fine!" He says smiling. "I can't resist that face." He says, using his right hand to poke the top of my nose.

I giggle. "YAYY!" I exclaim in victory.

Kellin and I chuckle.

"Uhh...guys." Gabe says, standing up.

'This must be important.' I think to myself.

Justin and Jack pause their game, and Nick looks up from his phone. Kellin and I stop laughing, and look at Gabe.

"Ron says it's time to pack up and shit." Gabe finally says, earning whines and groans from the guys.

"Alright, let's go. Before he gets pissed." Jack says standing.

Justin turns off the TV, and the PS4. Nick, Kellin, and I get off the couch, and onto our feet.

We all exit the bus. We start walking around the venue, till we find Ron, the smelly tour manager.

Once we reach Ron, Nick coughs. "Ron, buddy, when was the last time you took a fucking shower?" Nick asks Ron, earning laughs from the rest of us.

"Fuck you, guys." Ron says annoyed, which only makes us laugh even harder. 

"Ok ok, guys, chill. We don't wanna get a smelly Ron pissed." Kellin says chuckling, which makes us chuckle as well. "Anyways, what are we supposed to do?" Kellin asks Ron.

Ron clears his throat. "Thank you, Kelin, for being the most sophisticated out of your band." Ron says, which makes the guys and I chuckle. "But anyways, you guys have to pack up your stuff from the venue. Like your instruments and such, and bring them back to the bus. Once you have your instruments packed, go back to the bus, and if there are any heavy objects in there, such as guitars, carry ons, anything over 50 pounds that isn't a human, put that in the storage on the side of the bus." Ron says with a serious face.

"Yes, sir." Kellin says in a military man voice. The guys and I laugh, then Ron walks away, while rolling his eyes.

"Alright guys, well let's get to it." Justin says when Ron's out of site. 

We start heading towards the stage the guys last performed at. 

Once we get there, we get to packing.

It took us two hours to pack our stuff. Mostly because we were messing around most of the time. I had a lot of fun, and I'm guessing the guys did too.

"So guys, what are we gonna do now?" I ask the boys as we reach the bus. 

"Well, I'm tired of playing video games all day, so I'm gonna stay out here and chill." Justin says.

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