All My Heart

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Lily's POV:

I wake up highly uncomfortable, then remember, Kellin and I fell asleep on the lounge room couch yesterday. 

"Babe." I say, basically whining. I shake Kellin awake, gently but firmly.

He wakes up. "Ouch, my back." He says stretching.

"I know." I say touching my forehead.

"You ok, baby?" Kellin asks me looking at me.

"Ehh...I have a hella bad headache and my backs hurts." I say almost crying from the pain. 

"Do you want me to get you some pills, baby?" Kellin asks me. "You look like you're about to cry." He says worried.

"Please and thank you, my head's killing me, I feel like crying from the pain." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

Kellin wraps his arms around me. "I'll be right back, baby. I'm gonna get you some pills." He kisses the top of my head, and leaves the room.

'I feel so special and loved when I'm around Kellin. He makes me feel like a queen.' I can't help but think about him.

Kellin comes back in less than a minute. He has a glass of water and two Ibuprofen. "Here you go, baby." He says as he hands me the pills and water.

"Thank you, babe." I say flashing him a sad smile. 

"No problem, baby. I can't see you suffer, it breaks my heart." He says with a sad face.

I drink my pills, and set my cup down on the table next to the couch. I cup Kellin's right cheek with my left hand, and kiss him, passionately. He pulls me onto his lap, as we kiss, our lips still moving in sync. After two minutes into the kiss, he licks my bottom lip for entrance, I approve and our tongues start battling. After a minute, we pull away, both of us still wanting more. Thirty seconds go by of us catching our breath, foreheads touching. Kellin kisses my lips, a quick peck. He then starts spreading kisses on my upper body. He starts from my jaw line, then onto my neck, and sense I'm still wearing the tank top from yesterday, he kisses my collar bones. Once he kisses in between my collar bones, I moan slightly. I guess Kellin heard me moan, because he kept kissing the same spot for about 15 more seconds. He kissed a bit of my cleavage area, and that's when he started going up, again. 

He kissed my lips, slowly and passionately, then placed his forehead on mine. "Not yet." He whispers slowly.

I smile, and agree with him. 

Once his forehead starts moving away from mine, I open my eyes. I look into his beautiful, big green eyes, and I smile. He returns the smile, and I can't help but think of our future together. 

"Let's go to our bunk. I really need to get some rest for today's show, and your head needs to get better because I can't stand seeing my baby in pain. It kills me inside." He says, kissing my forehead, slowly and gently.

I smile and agree with him.

When we get to the bunk, I go in first, and Kellin goes in second.

"Hey, babe." Kellin says.

"Yea, Kells." I say facing him.

"Would you like to join us on stage today? Like, so I can introduce you to the fans." Kellin asks me, with hopeful eyes.

"I would love to go on stage with you guys. Is this gonna be an every show thing?" I ask.

"If you want it to be." He says smiling.

"Okee." I say returning the smile.

He nods still smiling. 

I snuggle into his chest, and he wraps his arms around me.

"Goodnight, baby." Kellin says with a giggle. "Sweet dreams." 

I giggle as well. "Goodnight, Kells." I say smiling, while taking in his scent.

'He smells amazing. Kellin wears this strong and amazing colon, and I just love taking in his scent every night.' I think to myself, as I smile.

"I-I love you, Lily." I hear Kellin whisper softly.

That sends shocks through my body like fireworks. I say it back, though, cause I know that we both mean those three words.

"I love you too, Kellin." I say it loud enough so he can hear me, smiling at the end of my sentence.

I know he heard me because he kissed the top of my head, and hugged me tighter. 

I smile, wishing this never ends. 

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