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Lily's POV:

When we got to the tour bus, Kellin opened the door, and told us to go in first. He's such a gentleman. We did as told and when we went in, it was amazing!(bus) The bus wasn't too luxury, but it also wasn't too "normal". When we first walked in, there was a 'living room' area, where we found Justin playing some video game.

"Sup." Justin said, noticing someone walked through the door, but keeping his eyes on his game.

Kellin cleared his throat, then said, "Justin, we have guests."

Justin paused his game and looked at us smiling. "Hey, I'm Justin." He said.

"Justin, this is Lily, Hailey, and Jace." Kellin said pointing to us as he said our names. "And they're big fans of our band." Kellin added, smiling at us. 

We all returned the smile. Before Justin could respond, Jack, came out of the bathroom. "Oh hey, Kellin." He said waving.

"Hey Jack. This is Lily, Hailey, and Jace. They're big fans of SWS." Kellin said smiling with a glow in his eyes.

Justin went back to his game as Jack responded. "Is that so?" Jack asked with a smirk.

"Yepp." All 3 of us said, popping the 'P'. 

Jack chuckled a bit before responding. "Cool. So, what's up?" He asked popping a grape in his mouth.

Jack's great at starting conversations. "They're staying here with us for the night." Kellin said smiling at the end of his sentence.

"Cool." Jack said before plopping down on the couch and grabbing the second remote, joining Justin in his game.

"Where are Gabe and Nick?" Kellin asked, Justin and Jack.

"I think they're in the back." Justin answered Kellin's question.

As soon as Justin answered his question, Kellin started heading to the back lounge, signaling for us to go with him, which we did. The bunk area was simple, just a couple of wooden bunks, stacked in three. There was a door at the end, Kellin opened it, and there were Gabe and Nick drinking some beers.

"Hey guys." Kellin said.

"Hey Kells." Gabe said all smiley. 'He's probably drunk.' I thought.

Kellin chuckled a bit and said, "Guys, this is Lily, Hailey, and Jace." Kellin said, introducing us for the third time, which in turn made me chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Kellin asked smiling at me while poking my side.

That made me giggle a bit more. "Nothing." I said still giggling.

"Oh yea." He said smirking while tackling me in tickles on the couch.

"Stop, stop!" I screamed in between laughs, all while Hailey recorded us and Jace sat down to talk to Gabe.

Finally he stopped, still on the couch, and stared me straight in the eye while smiling and I returned the smile.

"Now will you tell me?" He asked still on top of me, on the couch, smiling.

"It's just, that's the third time you've introduced us today." I said, still looking in his eyes and smiling.

"True." He said smiling but realizing he was still on top of me, so he got off and sat down next to me as I sat up.

"Well, looks like Nick passed out." Hailey said while laughing at the end.

Kellin and I laughed. "Guess he drank too much, or he's just really fucking tired." Kellin said.

I soon realized, Gabe and Jace, were out of site. "Where are Gabe and Jace?" I asked.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now