Stomach Tied In Knots

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Lily's POV:

'Yesterday was great! Kellin and I went to the mall, movies, bowling, and to a tattoo parlor. I got my right nostril pierced, left eyebrow pierced, and I got snakebites and a vertical labret. I also got 5 tattoos. I got one of Sleeping With Sirens' song quotes, from their song, "In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411". It's underneath my right side boob. It reads: "I Can Save You, If You Ask Me, Just Ask Me To...". It's also in cursive. I got a treble clef above my left ankle, a small eighth note on the left side of my neck, the time I was born on my left wrist: 4:09 am, in roman letters, and my date of birth: 11/14/1995, on my right wrist, in roman letters, as well. Kellin also got a tattoo and a piercing. He got his nose re-pierced, and the Sleeping With Sirens logo tattooed on the back of his right ear, finally!'

My thoughts are interrupted as my alarm rings. I slip out of Kellin's embrace, gently, so I don't wake him up, and sit up. I grab my phone from the charger, on the other side of the bunk, and turn my alarm off. Kellin and I are waking up extra early today, to go pick up Copeland. We're both very excited! Before I can turn around to shake Kellin awake, I feel him grab hold of my waist as he sits up. I smile, as I look down at his hands. Kellin rests his head on my left shoulder.

"Good morning, beautiful." Kellin says.

"Good morning, Kells." I say as I turn my head and peck his lips.

Kellin smiles, and blushes a bit.

He definitely loves morning kisses. Everytime I give him a morning kiss, he blushes.

"Ready for today?" Kellin asks me, smiling wider.

"I'm really excited." I say as I smiles, as well. "I really wanna meet her. I love children. But, I'm also really nervous." I say.

"Why, baby?" Kellin asks me.

"What if she doesn't like me?" I say with a sad smile.

"She'll love you! There's nothing to worry about. Copeland's a really nice, loving girl. She's kind to everything and everyone that's nice to her." Kellin reassures me. 

I smile once again, and Kellin returns the smile. "Oh, and she'll love your piercings!" Kellin says with a chuckle. "She loves piercings." 

I giggle. "I haven't even met her yet, and I already love her." I say with a smile.

Kellin chuckles. "I love you, Lily." Kellin says with a smile, as the glow in his eyes grows brighter.

"I love you too, Kells." I say, as I kiss Kellin passionately. 

He smiles into the kiss, as he pulls away. "I would love for this to be longer, but we gotta start getting ready." Kellin says with a slight chuckle.

I smile and blush. "Especially me!" I say as my eyes widen, and I chuckle.

Kellin bursts out laughing. "Yea." He says.

"I'm getting ready first today!" I say with a pouty face.

Kellin laughs a bit. "Ok, baby. Whatever you want." He says in between laughs. 

I slightly laugh. "Yayy!" I whisper yell.

"Alright, come one." Kellin says as he gets out of the bunk.

I jump out of the bunk, kiss Kellin's cheek, and go into the bathroom. 

It takes me 10 minutes to take a shower. I get out, and wrap my towel around me. I brush my teeth and put on some deodorant, then I realize something. I didn't bring my clothes! 

'Goddamn it!' I curse to myself.

I take a deep breath before I walk out of the steamy bathroom, with my towel wrapped around me. 

'Thank God, Kellin's the only one awake!' I let out my breath, as I take the first step out of the bathroom.

As I walk to the couch, to get my outfit that I planned out yesterday, Kellin looks up at me from his phone. His eyes go wide. 

"I forgot my clothes." I say with a groan.

Kellin just stares. 

I giggle. "I would say sorry, but you seem to be enjoying what you see." 

Kellin smirks. "You're beautiful, babe. Inside and out." Kellin says, with a glow in his eyes.

I smile at his compliment. "Yea, thanks." I say as I look at Kellin.

He's right next to me, so he pulls me onto his lap. "I'm serious." He says with a serious face.

I smile once again. "I love you, Kellin." I say, as I snuggle into his neck to hide a massive blush.

"I love you too, princess." Kellin says before kissing my cheek.

I raise my head, and lock our lips. The kiss only lasts for 20 seconds, before I pull away. 

"I'm cold, I'm gonna get dressed." I say as I get off of Kellin's lap.

Kellin looks up at me as I get up. "Okay baby." He says. 

I walk back to the bathroom, and get dressed. I do my hair, which only takes 10 minutes, sense I'm straightening it today. I then do my makeup, which takes 7 minutes. I'm only doing a red eyeliner and some lipstick.

I got done getting ready in 30 minutes today! That's a record.(outfit) I get out of the bathroom, and put my stuff away. I smile at Kellin as I sit next to him on the couch. He returns the smile.

"Bathroom's all yours." I say with a chuckle.

Kellin chuckles as well. "Wow, you got done pretty quick today. It's only 9:10." Kellin says.

"Oh shut up." I say giggling.

Kellin laughs a bit before getting up and going into the bathroom.

I get on my phone to see if I have any texts from Hailey. Which of course, I do.

Hailey<3: Good morning, gorgeous! How are you? What are ya doing, today?

I text her back soon after.

Me: Goood morninggg !! I'm really excited! Kellin and I are gonna pick up, Copeland today! We woke up extra early to get her. Which makes me wonder, why are you up so early? xD Oh! We're currently in L.A. So, what are you guys up to, today? And, how are you, my lovely? <3

Once I'm done texting Hailey, Kellin comes out of the bathroom. He looks hot as fuck! I smile at him, and he returns the smile.

"Well, let's go I guess." Kellin says.

I nod, and we exit the bus. 

'Ahhh...I can't wait! This is gonna be so much fun!' I get butterflies in my stomach, as these last thoughts go through my head.

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