I Feel So Alive, Again

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Lily's POV:

I wake up in Kellin's arms. After we did the do, we fell asleep cuddling. I carefully slip out of Kellin's embrace, making sure I don't wake him up. I slip on one of his big Slipknot shirts, and check the time on my phone. It's currently 9:36 P.M.

I grab some pajamas of my own, toiletries, and makeup remover. I go into the bathroom, put some relaxing music on, and start taking a shower. I start by washing my hair. I wash my hair with some Herbal Essence shampoo, then rinse it out. I condition my hair, and leave it there while I soap up. Once I'm done, I rinse the conditioner off, leaving a bit on. I dry up, get dressed in a: BVB tank, some shorts, and unicorn socks, I brush my hair, and take off my makeup. 

Once I get out of the bathroom, I see Kellin sitting in bed, under the covers, watching TV. He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back, and put my stuff away. Once I'm done putting my stuff away, I grab the promise ring Kellin gave me earlier, and slip it on my finger. I then run towards Kellin, jumping into his arms.

Kellin chuckles. "Hey, baby." Kellin says before pecking my lips softly. 

As we pull away, I say, "Hey."

I shift my body off of Kellin, and lay down next to him. I snuggle into his chest, as he wraps an arm around me.

"What cha watchin'?" I ask Kellin, in a silly voice.

Kellin giggles before speaking. "Scooby-Doo." Kellin says, still giggling a bit. 

I smile, and ask, "Are the guys and Cope back yet?" 

"Yep. They got back while you were in the shower. Gabe, Justin, and Nick are in their room probably sleeping, and Jack took Copeland to a park for awhile." Kellin answers my question.

"Oh, okee." I reply. 

I check the time on my phone again, and it's 9:58. 

"Woah, babe. Shouldn't Jack and Co-" Before I can finish my sentence, there's a knock on the door.

"It's Jack!" Jack yells from the other side.

Kellin and I giggle as Kellin goes into the bathroom to take a shower, and I go open the door. 

"Hey, Jack! Hey, baby!" I say as I take Cope into my arms. 

"Hey, Mommy." Copeland says before she yawns.

"Come in, Jack." I say as Jack enters the room, and I shut the door. 

Jack and I sit on the bed facing the TV, and Copeland yawns again. 

"Aww, you tired, baby?" I ask Cope.

She nods, and snuggles her head into my chest before asking, "Where's, Daddy?" Copeland asks.

"He's taking a shower, baby." I say hugging her tight. 

I can feel Copeland drifting off to sleep, so I start making conversation with Jack, who has been watching TV, since I invited him in. 

"So, how'd it go, today?" I ask Jack.

"It went pretty good, I just wish you and Kellin could have been there with us. But I guess, we could do this again some other time." Jack says with a smile.

"Yea." I say smiling as well. 

"But by the look of your guy's room, I'm guessing y'all had some fun of your own." Jack says raising an eyebrow, and giggling. 

I blush a mad red, and laugh along with him. I realize that all our previous clothes, was thrown on the floor on the side of the bed Jack is sitting on. Before either of us can say anything else, Kellin walks out of the bathroom, fully clothed. 

"Hey, Jack." Kellin smiles.

"Hey, dude." Jack says standing up. "I'm gonna go ahead and leave, I'm really tired. I'm gonna get some rest, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Love you, guys! Bye." Jack says as he exits the room.

I stand up with Copeland in my arms, and start looking for some pj's for her. I find this really cute pink onesie, and get her dressed for bed. Once I'm done, Kellin is already in bed, watching TV. I get in bed next to him, Copeland in between us. Kellin turns off the TV, and sets the remote on his bedside table. Kellin turns onto his side, and faces me. He pecks my lips, pulls away, and kisses Copeland's forehead, which makes me smile.

"Goodnight, my beautiful ladies." Kellin says with a smile.

"Goodnight, Kells." I say, returning the smile.

Kellin and I scoot in, and we fall asleep all cuddled up with Copeland in between us. 

'Could life get any better than this?' I think to myself as I smile, and drift off to sleep. 

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now