A Trip to the Doctor

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Lily's POV:

3 Months Later
It's been 3 months since Warped Tour ended. It's currently November. Hailey had her babies in October. Jace and Hailey named them, Blake and Max.



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I'm currently living in LA with Kellin, the rest of Sleeping With Sirens, Cope, Hailey and Jace, and their babies

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I'm currently living in LA with Kellin, the rest of Sleeping With Sirens, Cope, Hailey and Jace, and their babies. It's so much fun living with Sleeping With Sirens and my best friends. We have such a fun time! We prank each other, watch movies, play games with the children, etc. Right now, it's 8:38 AM, Kellin and I are at the bus stop with Copeland. The bus gets here in 2 minutes. She's loving Kindergarten so far.

The bus gets here, so we say our goodbyes to Cope, and she gets in the bus. Kellin and I start walking home, hand in hand. We talk about random little things until we get home, which is only 5 minutes away from the bus stop. Everyone's still sleeping, so we make sure to be quiet as we enter the house. Kellin starts making some coffee, as I start getting out the eggs and bacon.

As I'm placing the bacon on the counter, I feel this really big urge to throw up. I go to the bathroom, and bend over the toilet. I start puking almost instantly. Kellin runs inside the bathroom, and holds my hair back. Once I'm done, I flush the toilet, and wash my mouth. I start crying out of nowhere, and Kellin holds me in his arms. Kellin and I walk to the living room, and sit down on the couch.

Kellin rubs circles on my back to calm me down. Once I'm more calm, I snuggle into Kellin's neck, as he holds me.

"How're you feeling, babe?" Kellin asks me.

"Better, I guess. I didn't eat anything to make me puke, and I'm not sick, so I don't know what that was about." I respond.

"Do you wanna go to the doctor?" Kellin asks me.

"Yea, but first I wanna eat something. I'm starving." I say dramatically.

Kellin chuckles and holds me tight. "Me too." He says as he gets up.

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