A Trophy Father's Trophy Son

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Lily's POV:

I wake up to the amazing sight of my boyfriend sleeping. He looks happy, and comfortable. I snuggle into chest, and tug onto him tightly. Kellin notices my movement, and wakes up. 

"Wassup, baby?" Kellin asks me, in a tired voice, which is very hot!

I blush, and respond soon after. "Just woke up." I say, kissing his naked chest.

I can feel Kellin grin, after I do so, which makes me chuckle. 

"What are we doing today?" I ask Kellin, as I raise my head, and look at him.

"I don't know. I guess today we just play our set, go to the barbecue that Warped is hosting, then we come back here and have a lazy day." Kellin says looking up at the ceiling.

"Okee, then I'm definitely just staying in pajamas today." I say giggling a bit.

Kellin giggles. "You're gonna walk around Warped in pajamas?" Kellin asks.

"Yepp. Got a problem with it?" I ask Kellin, playfully. 

"Nope, but ya might get hot, just saying." Kellin says with a chuckle. 

I giggle, and kiss his chest, once again.

Kellin blushes, grins, and hugs me tighter. "I love you, baby." Kellin says with a smile.

"I love you too, Kells." I say grinning. 

"Let's sleep a bit more, all I wanna do is hold you in my arms." Kellin whispers.

I blush, then smile. "Okee, baby." I say.


(Two hours later: 12:39)

Kellin's POV: 

I wake up, and check the time on my phone. It's currently 12:39. I put my phone away, and look at Lily's resting body. She looks beautiful and at peace. I have to start getting ready, so I slide out of Lily's embrace gently so I don't wake her up, and make my way to the bathroom.


Lily's POV:

I wake up, and see that Kellin isn't in the bunk, then I hear the shower running. I guess he's getting ready. I sit up and take my phone off my charger. I have 5 missed calls from an unknown number, and a text from Hailey. I decide to check Hailey's text first.

Hailey<3: Hey, darling.<3 Miss you, I'm glad you had fun yesterday! Jace and I had fun, as well. How are you? <3

Me: Hey, doll. Miss ya, too, and I'm very happy for you guys! I'm good, just woke up. Nothing much interesting going on today. Just performing, and going to a barbecue. Love you, guys! <3

Once I'm done texting Hailey, I get out of the bunk, put my vans on, and go outside. I lean my back against the bus. I call the number, eager to see who it is. 

"Hello?" I hear a grumpy old man say.

I try to be polite, so nothing goes wrong. "Umm...hi, sir. You were calling me yesterday, and I just wanted to know why?" I ask. 

"Who is this?!" The guy yells into the phone.

You'd think I'd hang up there, right? But no, I don't, cause I'm an idiot.

"Umm...this is Lily Rodriguez, sir. You were trying to contact me yesterday, but I was spending some time with my family, and had my phone turned off." I say still trying to be polite. 

"Lily?" The guy asks surprised.

"Yes?" I ask confused. 

"You little slut! So now you have a family?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! You run away to be slutting around and creating families." The guy yells angrily into the phone, then I realize this is my Dad.

'Why was he trying to call me?' I ask myself confused. 

I lose my temper, and yell back into the phone. "I'm not a slut, you asshole! If anything, you're a fucking pedophile! You're the one that raped my sister, and abused me almost all my life! Of course, I would run away! Nothing is wrong with me! I finally found love and a true family! The child isn't even mine, it my boyfriends, you retard! But I love them both, and I found a true home with my best friends, true love with my daughter, and a family with my boyfriend! Fuck you, Dad!" With that, I hang up the phone, and block his number. 

I cant help but start crying. After everything's going fine, and I'm happy he has to ruin it. He always does the same thing. I go inside the bus, and sit on the couch, crying. I curl up, and hug my knees. Then, I hear the bathroom door open. I look up, and Kellin's standing at the doorway, horror filled in his eyes. After 2 seconds, he runs over to me. 

"Babe, why are you crying?! What's wrong?!" Kellin asks me terrified, with confusion in his voice.

Kellin sits next to me on the couch, grabs my small body, and places me on his lap. He hugs me tight, as he rocks me, and tells me its gonna be ok. "Lily, will you tell me what's wrong?" Kellin asks terrified, as his voice cracks. 

Now that I'm more calm, I decide to tell him. "M-my Dad." I say with a small whimper. 

"What about him?" Kellin asks me, a bit of anger growing in his voice. 

"He c-called me 5 times, yesterday, when we were watching movies with Copeland. I didn't pick up because my phone was turned off, and when I woke up today, I decided to call him. I called him, and he called me a slut. He told me I was slutting around because I was with you, and Copeland." I say starting to cry again. 

Kellin starts rubbing circles on my back to comfort me, and rocks me. After 10 minutes, I stop crying. 

"Babe, you do know that what he said isn't true, right?" Kellin assures me.

"Yea, I know, but it just hurts." I say sniffling. 

Kellin rubs circles on my back, as he holds me tight. "Lily, you are not a slut. You are a beautiful girl, with a big heart. Please don't take what your dad said to heart. He's just being an ass because he's mad that you ran away." Kellin says, and I can tell its coming from his heart. 

I nod, and look into Kellin's eyes. "I love you so much, Kellin. You make my life worth living everyday." I say before I snuggle my head into his chest.

"I love you more, Lily. You're my everything, and I'll always be here for you no matter what." Kellin says hugging me tightly. 

After 10 minutes of us hugging and sitting there on the couch silently, I ask Kellin a question. "Kells, where are the guys? I haven't seen them since last night." I ask curiously.

"They're at Pierce The Veil's bus. They were drinking yesterday, and fell asleep over there." Kellin answers. 

"Oh, ok." I say. "Babe, I'm gonna start getting ready." I say raising my head from Kellin's chest.

"Ok, baby." Kellin says before he kisses my fore head.

I blush, and go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, put my bra and some deodorant on, then I brush my hair, and let my natural waves flow around.(shirt, pants, shoes, socks, hair) Once I exit the bathroom, I see Copeland on Kellin's lap.

"Mommy!" Copeland exclaims.

Kellin sees me and smiles. I return the smile, as I walk to Copeland. I grab Copeland from Kellin's lap, and start showering her in kisses. I sit on Kellin's lap, and he smirks. I giggle, and kiss him on the cheek. 

"How's my princess?" I ask Copeland.

"Tired." She says with a yawn.

I smile, and kiss her cheek. "Alright well, go wash your mouth and brush your hair, so we can go see daddy play." I say.

Copeland nods and does as told. I'm not gonna tell her to change because I'm in my pajamas, so she can stay in hers sense she's tired. Copeland comes out of the bathroom after 5 minutes. 

"It's 1:54. We should probably start walking to the stage, the guys are already over there." Kellin says.

I nod, and we exit the bus. It's raining, so this is gonna be an interesting show. We run to the stage, and the guys immediately get on the stage, and start their set.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now