Déjà Vu

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Lily's POV:

I got out of the hospital at 12:45. We're currently at the park we went to last time. Kellin said he wanted to take me here to refresh my memory a bit, sense I was in my amnesia state. We played with Copeland for awhile, but soon enough she found some kids to play with. So, Kellin and I are just sitting on a bench watching her. 

"Hey, Lily." Kellin says to get my attention.

I look into his beautiful eyes, and say, "Yea, babe?" I ask Kellin.

"I love you." Kellin says with a smirk.

I smile. "I love you, too, Kells." I say before giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"I have something for you." Kellin says, smiling.

My eyes widen. Kellin opens the pocket in his drawstring bag, and pulls out a little velvet box. My jaw drops and I put a hand to my mouth. Kellin opens the box, and smiles up at me. 

"It's a promise ring." Kellin pauses. "Custom made, just for you." Kellin says, and I hug him as a tear rolls down my cheek. 

Once I pull away from the hug, I cup his cheeks and kiss him. I put the ring on my right ring finger, and smile as I look down at it.

"Did you read the bottom?" Kellin asks me.

I turn my hand around, and read the words on the other side of the ring. It says, 'Please stay forever with me'. I smile, and hug Kellin once again. 

"I love it." I say as I pull away from the hug, and look down at the ring.

Kellin puts a finger on my chin, and pulls it up. He kisses me gently. 

'I love his kisses.' I think to myself, as we pull away.

We stayed at the park for a little while longer, and now we're going to get some food. It is currently 3:23. We went to Burger King, and now we're heading back home. It's 4:15. We get to the hotel the guys are staying at, at like 4:54. It was a long route. 

Once we get to our room, Kellin turns to me. "We should go tell the guys you're here." Kellin says.

"Yesss! I missed them." I respond.

The guy's room is right across from ours, so Kellin knocks on the door, and Jack swings the door open. 

"Lily!" Jack exclaims and gives me the biggest bear hug ever. 

Soon enough, I'm trapped in the biggest bear hug ever by Sleeping With Sirens.

Once they pull away, Gabe asks me, "So, you have your memory back, right?"

"Yepp." I answer his question.

"Yayy!" Nick exclaims, which makes me giggle.

"Who wants to go to the movie theaters?" Justin asks out of nowhere. 

The guys and Copeland cheer, but Kellin and I are pretty tired from the park, so we just shake our heads. 

"Ugh, ok losers. I guess it just us and Cope." Gabe says.

The guys cheer, and put on their shoes.

"Alright, are we all ready?" Jack asks.

"Yep!" The guys yell out at the same time.

Jack grabs Copeland from my lap, and Kellin and I get up from the bed. 

"Take good care of her, ok?" I tell Jack.

"I will! I love my little pumpkin." Jack says before he gives Copeland a kiss on the cheek. 

Copeland giggles, and says, "Love you, Mommy and Daddy." Copeland says as Jack starts walking away. 

"Love you!" Kellin and I yell at the same time. 

The guys lock their door, and start running towards the hotel exit. Kellin and I enter our hotel room. Kellin puts his bag on the floor next to the table the TV is on. I sit on the side of the bed, and watch as he pulls of his shirt, back towards me. I giggle a bit, before he finishes taking his shirt off. I decide to take my jacket off, sense it's hot in our room. I already took off my boots, so that just leaves me with my sunflower dress, and Kellin with his skinny jeans.

Kellin approaches me, and raises my chin up with his finger, sense I'm looking down at the floor. He leans down and kisses me deeply, yet passionately. I can't help but fall in love with him even more when he does this. I put my hand on the back of his head, and wrap my fingers in his hair. Kellin smiles into the kiss, before gently shifting my body towards the center of the bed, and climbing on top of me. I don't even tense up. I know the things that might happen right now, and I'm ok with it.

Kellin starts pecking down my jaw, then my neck, and finally my collar bones. He finds my sweet spot, and starts kissing it, as I moan, softly. I can feel Kellin wanting more than just this, begging with his deep kisses. He starts going up again, and starts kissing me with his soft, yet wet lips.

As Kellin's about to pull away, I say, "Babe, it's ok." I reassure him.

"Are you sure?" Kellin asks me.

I nod, and Kellin starts kissing me once again. As we're kissing, Kellin starts tugging at the end of my dress. I help him take it off, as I also unzip his pants.

Use your imaginations for the rest! ;)

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