Who Are You Now

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Kellin's POV:

The guys and I are sitting in the waiting room, when a nurse calls my name. "Kellin Quinn." 

I immediately shoot up from my seat and walk up to the nurse. "Yes, Ma'am?" I ask.

"You guys are aloud to see Lily now." The nurse says with a warm smile.

I nod and signal for the guys to follow us.

As we start walking, the nurse speaks up. "Mr. Quinn, there is something I have to tell you that concerns Lily." The nurse says.

"Ok, go ahead." I say a bit scared.

"Mr. Quinn, Lily has temporary amnesia." The nurse says.

(A/N: I have no idea if that's a real thing or not, but I just made it up for the story!)

I gulp. "What do you mean?" I ask the nurse.

"She only remembers things from when she was 17. So, she still remembers you, but she thinks she's dating Justin. She's a big fan of Sleeping with Sirens, that's how she remembers you." The nurse explains.

I gulp as tears form in my eyes, threatening to slip out at any moment. 

"Give her time, Mr. Quinn. It's only temporary, so she'll get back to reality soon. You can trigger her memory by doing things or showing her things that you guys did in the past. Pictures will help, gifts will help, anything you can think of." The nurse says.

I nod, and ask her, "How long do you think it'll be till she gets her memory back?" I ask the nurse as we approach Lily's room.

"Maybe in like 6 months if you don't help her remember, but if you do help maybe less than that. Maybe 2 weeks to 3 months." The nurse says.

"Ok, thanks." I say.

"No problem." The nurse says as she walks away.

I open the door to Lily's room, and the guys follow me in. Lily's awake, looking around the room. I stand at the end of her bed, and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"OMG!! YOU'RE KELLIN QUINN!" Lily exclaims.

Pain and relief go through my stomach at the same time. "Yes, I am." I say a little hurt.

"Is the rest of your band here?" Lily asks me.

"Yes, they are." I say as I step aside. 

"What is he doing here?" Lily asks terrified, while pointing at Justin.

Justin looks down in shame. "Lily he's not gonna hurt you, ok?" I say.

She nods. "Why are you guys here? Why am I here?" Lily asks curiously.

"Lily, you're here because you got struck by lightning. The guys and I took you here. Lily, the guys are your friends, you're on tour with us right now, and I-I'm your boyfriend." I say hopeful she'll remember something about us.

"Really?" Lily asks.

"Yes, Lily." I say.

"But I'm only 17. I should be at school right now." Lily says.

"No, Lily, you're not 17. You're 22." I say looking down sadly.

"No I'm not." She says.

"Yes, Lily, you are." I say patiently. "You have temporary amnesia, so you only remember things from when you were 17." I explain to her.

She looks confused, but nods. "Umm guys, can I have some private time with Kellin?" Lily asks the guys, as my face expression grows confused. 

The guys nod, and leave the room.

"You can sit down on the bed." Lily says, breaking the uncomfortable silence. 

I sit at the end of the bed. "What is it you wanted to talk about, pri-Lily?" I ask.

"I just wanted to let you know, I do believe you guys about why I'm here and my illness. I also believe that the guys are my friends, that I'm on tour with you guys, my age, and that we're a thing." My eyes glow as she pauses. "But the thing is, I can't remember anything, and it sucks. So can you and the guys help me remember?" Lily asks.

"Of course, Lily!" I say excitedly.

Lily chuckles. "By chance, do you know when I get out of here?" Lily asks curiously, and that's when the nurse walks in.

"Lily, I'm glad to see you're doing better." The nurse says with a warm smile. "You'll be getting out in a week. The guys can come visit you until you do get out." The nurse says.

Lily nods, and smiles. "Alright well Mr. Quinn, you and the guys have to leave, but you can come back tomorrow." The nurse says as she walks out of the room, and I nod.

"Kellin, can you please come the entire next week? I really wanna get better, and be able to live again." Lily asks.

"I won't miss a day." I say with a smile. "I'll miss the next week of tour just for you." I say as Lily blushes.

"Thank you, Kellin." She says.

"No problem. I'll be leaving now. Please get some rest Lills. I'll text Hailey and Jace about the situation." I say with a sad smile.

Lily nods, as I get up. "Kellin." Lily says.

I look back at her, and she signals for me to walk towards her. 

Once I get there, she asks, "Kellin, did I love you?" 

My heart shatters a bit, before I respond. "Yes, Lily, you did, and I love you too." I say with a sad smile.

Lily returns the smile, and nods, stretching her arms out for a hug. I hug her tight, then let go. I start walking away, afterwards. 

"Goodbye, Kellin." Lily says, which makes me turn around, and she waves at me.

I wave back, and say, "See ya tomorrow, Lills." I exit the room, closing the door. 

The guys look at me, and I flash them a sad smile.

"What happened in there?" Jack asks.

"I'll tell you guys on the way back." I respond.

The guys all nod, and we start walking towards the exit. 

As we're walking away, Lily's nurse says, "Goodbye, Mr. Quinn. See ya tomorrow?" The nurse asks.

I nod, and smile. The nurse returns the smile, and we exit the hospital. The guys and I pile into the bus, and we sit down in the 'living room' space. I sit on the couch, Jack on my left, and Gabe on my right. Nick and Justin sit on the floor, on the ends of the couch. We all have the same look of sadness plastered on our faces. Ron starts driving back to the venue, and I put my face in my hands, and my elbows on my knees. 

I start sobbing, and Gabe pats my back. "It's ok, dude. It sucks, but she'll get better soon." Gabe says.

I sniff, and raise my face from my hands. "I know, it just kills me to see her like this, for this to be happening." I say, wiping away tears.

"I know, bud. It kills all of us." Jack says patting my back as well. 

"So are you gonna tell us what happened?" Justin asks nervously, probably not wanting to be scolded. 

I nod, and start telling the guys.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now