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Lily's POV:

The guys and I run off the stage. I had a lot of fun today. The guys played a longer set today, and I got to play all of their songs with them! It was amazing!! It was raining, so the rain only made it better! The mosh pit was bigger than ever, the fans were louder, and the guys and I put on a pretty good show. Once I get to the side stage, I grab Copeland, and twirl her around in my arms. 

'She makes me so happy!' I think to myself grinning.

"Mommy, you and Daddy, were amazing!" Copeland says.

I chuckle, then say, "Aww, thank you Cope." I say hugging her tight, as my grin grows wider.

"But you're a bit sweaty, Mommy." Copeland says pulling away from the hug, giggling.

I chuckle. "I'm sorry, baby." I say. "Speaking of sweatiness, I'm really thirsty! Let's go get something to drink." I say.

Copeland agrees with a, "Me too", and nods.

I start walking to the backstage area, where all the drinks are, with Copeland on my hip. I grab a water, and give Copeland a juice box. 

"Ahhh, that feels nice." I say with a chuckle. 

Copeland giggles and stares into space. After a minute, she makes a face of realization. "Where's Daddy?" Copeland asks me.


Kellin's POV:

After the show, I made my way to the backstage area, to talk to a friend of mine. Her name's, Stephanie, she makes jewelry. I want her to make me a ring for Lily. Not an engagement ring, just a promise ring. I was thinking of giving it to her for our one month anniversary, but I'm really impatient and can't wait anymore. So, I'm giving it to her in a couple days, once Stephanie is done making it. 

"I want it to be a silver ring, with an infinity sign on the top, and the words, 'Please stay forever with me' carved on the bottom part." I tell Stephanie.

She jots down my ideas, and nods her head. She quickly makes a sketch of the ring, soon after. "So, something like this?" Stephanie asks.

"Yepp! Exactly like that!" I say excitedly.

Stephanie smiles. "Ok, well it's only gonna take a couple of days to make, probably 4-6 days." She says.

"Ok, I'm fine with the wait." I say. "How much will it cost?" I ask Stephanie.

Stephanie laughs a bit. "Kellin I've know you since middle school, we're good friends. You don't have to pay me a single dollar." She says smiling.

"Ya sure?" I ask Steph. 

"Yes!" She says. "I'm gonna start heading home." Stephanie says. 

"Okee." I say, then hug her. 

She hugs back, then pulls away. 

"Thanks, Steph." I say with a small smile.

She returns the smile, then says, "No problem, dude." Soon after, her phone starts ringing. She takes her phone out, then says, "I gotta go, dude. My girlfriend's calling me." She smiles then walks away.

I return the smile, as she walks away. And yes, if you're wondering, Stephanie is lesbian.

As I watch Stephanie walk away, I hear a child, Cope, ask, "Where's Daddy?".

Before Lily can answer Copeland's question, I sneak up behind Lily, hugging her waist from the back. "Hey, beautiful." I say, with a smile.


Lily's POV:

Before I can answer Cope's question, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey, beautiful." It's Kellin.

I blush, and say, "Hey." I smile at the end of my sentence. My stomach grumbles, soon after. 

"Looks like, Mommy, is hungry." Kellin says grinning, still hugging my waist.

"I am too!" Copeland says. 

"Me too!" Kellin says.

I chuckle.

"Let's go to the barbecue!" Kellin suggests. 

"Yea!" Copeland agrees. 

I chuckle, then say, "Alright, well, let's go!" I say grinning.

Kellin grabs my free hand, and we start running towards the barbecue. On the way there, Copeland and I just kept giggling our asses off. We finally get to the barbecue, and its already packed with a bunch of people. We get our food, and find the rest of the guys sitting at a table with Pierce the Veil. I place Copeland down next to Jack, and sit across her, in between Vic and Kellin.

"Hey, lovebirds." Vic says, which makes Kellin and I chuckle. "So Lily, how ya enjoying warped so far?" Vic asks me.

"It's been great so far, hopefully it just keeps on getting better." I respond. 

"Cool! By the way, love the new hair." Vic complements. 

"Thanks." I say. 

'Vic and I are definitely gonna be best friends!' I think to myself, as I smile. 

I look at Kellin, and he's eating like a fucking dog! 

'He sure was really hungry!' I think to myself as I chuckle. 

I start eating, soon after. Once I'm done chewing on a piece of meat, I look over at Kellin, and give him a kiss on the cheek.

I place my chin on his shoulder, then say, "I love you, Kells." 

Kellin looks at me, and says, "I love you too, Lily." He kisses my forehead, and I smile. 

Thirty minutes later, everyone's done eating. We go throw our trash away, and go back to the table.

"What do we do now?" Tony asks with a frown. 

"We could all go back to our bus, and play games, or some shit." Jaime suggests. 

We all agree, and start walking to PTV's bus. 

"Mommy, I'm tired." Copeland says. 

"Do you wanna go to sleep once we get to the bus?" I ask her, and she nods. "Ok, baby." I say with a smile.

We get to PTV's bus, and we all enter. Kellin's last, so he shuts the door, and sits on the couch next to Gabe.

I walk up to Vic, who's in the 'kitchen', and ask him a question. "Can Copeland sleep in one of your guys bunks? She's really tired." I ask Vic. 

"Of course! She can sleep in my bunk." Vic says, takes Copeland from me, and sets her down on his bunk. 

"Thanks, Vic." I say with a smile. 

Vic returns the smile, and nods. 

I sit next to Kellin, on the couch. "Where's Cope?" Kellin asks me.

"She's sleeping, she's really tired." I say.

"Oh ok." Kellin says before smiling, and planting a small kiss on my nose. 

I blush and smile. 

"Ok so, what are we doing?" Mike asks. 

"Let's play a game!" Nick suggests.

Everybody agrees, and we somehow end up picking to play twister. 

'This is gonna be a fun night!' I think to myself excitedly.

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