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Lily's POV:

My alarm starts going off at 10. I turn it off. I only got an hour of sleep. At least my head feels better, though. The guys are all up, I can hear them talking in the 'living room'. Kellin's still asleep, though. I check my messages real quick, to see if I got any from Hailey. Surprisingly, I haven't, so I text her.

Me: Hey, Hails! Miss ya, we're already at the new venue. I still don't know where we are, though. I just woke up and Kellin's still sleeping, so I'll ask him later. It's hella sunny, though! Text me when you can, miss ya! Tell Jace, I miss and love him very much !! xD Love you, Hails! <3

As soon as I'm done texting, Hailey, I put my phone away. Kellin's lying on his back, so I decide to get on top of him. Once I get on top of him, I start showering his face with kisses. He smiles, and wakes up. His beautiful green eyes look into mine. 

"Hey, baby." He says, a smile painted on his face.

"Hey, handsome." I say, leaning down and pecking his lips. 

"How's your head, baby?" Kellin asks me, as I pull away. 

"Way better than before." I say smiling.

He returns the smile. "Good." He says. 

"Yepp." I say, giggling.

He chuckles. "Wait babe, what time is it?!" He asks me in realization, his eyes widening. 

I take my phone out to check the time. "It's 10:11." I say chuckling.

"Oh ok, good." He says with a sigh. "I thought we missed sound check." He says chuckling.

I put my phone away. He grabs hold of my waist with his hands. I lean down and cup his cheeks with my hands. We kiss for about a minute, passionately, until someone decides to open the curtain and ruin the moment. 

"Woah, hey, sorry guys!" It's Justin. 

I put my head to Kellin's chest, along with my hands, but after 5 seconds, I sit up once again. Kellin leans up to face Justin.

"Yes, Justin?" Kellin asks him annoyed. 

"I just wanted to tell you guys sound check's at 12, so you might wanna start getting ready." Justin says with a chuckle.

"Ok, thanks Justin, now go please." Kellin says still annoyed.

"Ok, jeez." Justin says as he holds his hands up in surrender. 

As Justin walks away, Kellin starts tickling me as he smiles.

I giggle and beg of him to stop. Once he does stop, he ends up on top of me. Kellin smiles down at me and I smile up at him. He leans down and kisses me slowly. It feels as if the kiss lasted forever. 

Once we pull away, Kellin smiles down at me. "I love you, Lily." He says, with the glow in his eyes growing brighter, as he flashes a wide smile down at me.

"I love you more, Kells." I say as I return the smile, and butterflies swirl around in my body. 

Kellin kisses my forehead, before jumping out of the bunk, without a word. 

I call after him chuckling. "Babe, where are you going?" I say as I chuckle by the way he left.

He stops walking. "I'm just kidding." He says walking back to the bunk chuckling. "I just wanted to see what you would do if I randomly left." He says smiling up at me, sense I'm still in the bunk, and he's all the way down on the ground. 

I get out of the bunk so we're face to face. "Don't ever leave me." I say as I snuggle into his chest.

Kellin wraps his arms around me, and kisses the top of my head. "I will never leave you, Lily. I promise. I can't even last 5 seconds without you." He says reassuring me.

"I love you." I say as a cold tear escapes my eye, and drips on Kellin's chest. He's shirtless, so he can feel it pretty well.

He raises my head, with his finger on my chin. He slowly pecks my lips. He cups my cheeks with his hands, and I put my hands on his waist. He looks directly into my eyes. "I love you so much more, baby." He says as he wipes the tear from my face, with his thumb. 

I smile, and snuggle back into his chest. Kellin wraps his arms around me, once again. 

A minute into the hug, I suddenly realize, that we needed to be getting ready for soundcheck a while ago, I hope not too long ago. "Babe, what time is it?" I ask Kellin.

Kellin takes out his phone from his back pocket, still hugging me. "It's 10:50. We better start getting ready for soundcheck." Kellin says, hurriedly. 

"Yea." I say with wide eyes. 

'Damn, time goes by so goddamn fast!' I think to myself, as Kellin and I pull away from the hug.

"Hey, babe." I say.

"Yea, baby." Kellin says as he goes into the lounge room to look for some clothes he packed yesterday, sense we couldn't keep our carry ons inside the bus. All of us did. 

"You never told me where we're at." I say as I lean on the lounge room doorway. 

"Oh, yea, I didn't." Kellin says with a chuckle. "Well, we're in Phoenix, Arizona." Kellin says smiling back at me, as he still digs through his bag. 

"Oh, cool." I say, returning the smile. 

Kellin looks back toward his bag, and finds the shirt he wants. "Found ya!" He exclaims in excitement.

I chuckle. 


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