The Park

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Lily's POV:

We get to the park in a couple of minutes. I'm pretty sure Copeland's really excited about going to the park because she wouldn't stop asking if we were there yet, while we were on the road. 

"Park!" Cope exclaims once she notices the park, as Kellin starts parking.

I chuckle, and Kellin rolls his eyes in a bit of annoyance. Once Kellin has parked, he turns off the car, and gets out. He of course, rushes over to my side, and opens my door. As I'm about to unbuckle Copeland, I see her bouncing in her car seat, like crazy! I chuckle, and open her door. I unbuckle the small and adorable child, and this time she gets on her feet. Kellin locks up the car, and Copeland starts running towards the playground.

Kellin and I chuckle, he grabs my hand, and we start running after her. I've never had this much fun before! Copeland is hiding in between the playground bars, waiting for us to find her. Kellin and I already know where she is, of course, but we play along with her, just for the fun of it. We start looking around for her.

"Hmm...I wonder where Copeland is?" I ask no one in particular. 

I can hear Cope giggle.

"I can't see her, Lily." Kellin says with a shrug, still looking around for Copeland.

Copeland pops up from under a slide, soon after. "I'm right here guys!" She exclaims with a giggle.

"There's my baby!" Kellin exclaims as he slips his hand away from mine, and runs up to Cope, grabbing her, hugging her tight, and twirling her around, afterwards.

Copeland giggles as Kellin twirls her around.

"I love you, Cope." Kellin says as he stops twirling, Cope around, and hugs her tightly.

"I love you, too, Daddy!" Copeland says with a smile.

I smile, and take a picture of them hugging, cause it's just too adorable to miss out on. They both have the same grin. I walk up to them, and show them the picture.

"Aww, how cute." Kellin says, as Copeland smiles at the picture.

I smile.

"But, it's missing something." Kellin says with a frown.

My eyes widen, and I ask him, "What's missing?" I ask my handsome boyfriend, curiously.

"The most important person. Mommy." Kellin says with a grin.

I smile, and blush a bit. Copeland is on Kellin's right hip, so he extends his left arm out for me, with a smile. I of course, return the smile, and takes his hand. Kellin pulls me in gently, but firmly, and puts his left arm around my waist. I put my right arm around his waist, we all smile, and I take the picture. We take a couple more pictures on my phone, then we take some on Kellin's. We stop taking pictures once Cope starts whining because she wants to play. 

We decide to play hide and seek, for awhile. After a couple minutes of playing hide and seek, it got boring, so we decided to play freeze tag. We probably played freeze tag for half an hour. Freeze tag was always my favorite game as a kid, and it's also Copeland's favorite game, so we played that for awhile. Afterwards, we rolled down the hill, and that of course was fun. It was so fun, I even took some polaroids of us rolling down the hill. We took a short break and drank some water, then we started rolling down the hill, for a little while more. 

When we got tired of rolling down the hill, we went on a little walk around the town. We're currently on a bridge of wishes. We all decide to make some wishes. Basically, you get a coin, make your wish, then throw your coin into the lake. Kellin went first, and he actually took awhile on his. Copeland went second, and sense she was so desperate and excited, she of course made her wish and threw her coin in the lake really quickly. Yours truly, of course, went last, I'm not saying what I wished for, though. 

After we made our wishes, we went walking for a little bit more. Copeland is in between, Kellin and I. Like earlier, her small left hand is in my right hand, and her small right hand is in Kellin's left hand. 

"Daddy." Copeland says. 

"Yea, baby?" Kellin responds. 

"I'm hungry." Copeland says. 

"Me too." I say.

"Ok well, I guess that makes three of us." Kellin says with a smile. "What do you girls wanna eat, today?" Kellin asks us. 

"How about Wendy's?" I suggest.

"I'm down for Wendy's." Kellin says with a small shrug.

"Yea, let's get Wendy's!" Copeland says, excited as always. 

We start walking back to the car, once we decided what we wanted to eat. We get to the car in 10 minutes, luckily. I guess we didn't walk too much cause the car was pretty near by. Once Kellin unlocks the car, I buckle Copeland up. I get in the car, and Kellin starts driving soon after. 

We're all really hungry, so Kellin speeds a little bit, to get us to the near by Wendy's quickly. We get to Wendy's in the course of 7 minutes, and decide to eat inside. Kellin parks the car, and gets out. He rushes over to my side, and opens my door. He smiles at me as I get out, and I return the smile. Kellin shuts my door, and I open Cope's to unbuckle her. Once I'm done unbuckling Copeland, I put her on my right hip, shut the door, and Kellin locks up the car. 

As we're walking towards the entrance, Kellin grabs my left hand, and intertwines our fingers. When we get there, Kellin opens the door with his left hand. We walk in, and thankfully nobody's in the waiting line, so we order right away. Once we're done ordering, we find a table at the back corner, and sit there talking. The guy calls Kellin's name, and Kellin goes get our tray, full of food. When Kellin gets back to the table, we all start munching away on our food, almost immediately. 

We're all done eating our food after 30 minutes. We throw our trash away, and exit the building. 

"Well, I'm stuffed." Kellin says as he unlocks the car. 

I chuckle. "Me too." I say.

"Me three." Copeland says with wide eyes. 

Kellin and I chuckle. I buckle Copeland up, then I get in the car. Kellin starts driving soon after. I turn on the radio, and the first song that plays is, "Bulletproof Love", by Pierce the Veil. It's near the middle, where Vic says, "This isn't fair, no!". I love this song so much, so I start singing along to it. Copeland is bouncing in the back, so I guess she likes this song too, and Kellin's humming along to it, hearing me sing. 

I'll definitely remember this day. It was one of the best days in my life!

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