James Dean and Audrey Hepburn

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Lily's POV:

When we got to the club, it was packed with people. A band was finishing up one of their songs as we entered. Hailey, Jace, and I sat down as we ordered some shots. We all got 3 shots of tequila each. We all drank one as a starter. Soon after the band started singing a song I recognized as, "If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn". Sleeping with Sirens was performing? At a bar? I know that's where they started performing when the band first formed, but they're pretty famous now. Probably just doing a small gig as a break. When Hailey recognized the song herself, she went ballistic! She dragged me to the dance floor and we started jumping around. Jace soon joined after drinking his 2 other shots of tequila. He was doing most of the head banging, sense he can't really dance. As I was jumping around and dancing with Hailey and Jace, I noticed the lead singer of SWS, Kellin Quinn, glance over at me a couple times as he smiled. So, it wasn't a bad glance. I decided to move to the front of the little stage they were performing on. I soon locked eyes with Kellin as I screamed the lyrics at the top of my lungs. He smiled at me as he kept singing. I blushed a little. I'm not a huge fan of Sleeping with Sirens, but I know a couple of their songs. They're actually really good, but I never have the time to listen to all their songs, since I'm always busy with work. I work at a tattoo shop with Hailey from 12 pm to 6 pm, from Monday to Friday. So, I never have much time to do anything. But, I always found, Kellin really attractive. Soon after the song ended, Jace and Hailey, caught up to me. Then Kellin spoke into the mic. 

"So, how's everyone doing tonight?!" He yelled into the microphone.

The crowd cheered and screamed.

"Alright. This next song's called, Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime." He said as the crowd cheered.

As the song started, I headed back to where I left my shots from earlier and sat down. Hailey caught up to me and asked me something, but I couldn't hear her over the people screaming. 

"WHAT?!?" I asked.

"I said, what was that about?!" Hailey asked repeating herself.

"What are you talking about?!" I asked her over the music.

"Kellin. He kept on staring at you." She said smirking.

"Oh, was it that obvious?" I asked blushing.

"YASSS! He glanced at you more than 10 times! And he kept on smiling every time." She said excitedly.

I blushed, drank my shot, and went over to the dance floor. I got as close to the stage as I could. Kellin noticed me and winked at me. I smiled and blushed. I think he noticed cuz he bowed his head down and chuckled a bit. Then he started singing again after the small solo.

"I wanna write a song about you now!" He sang as our eyes locked.

The rest of the song went by like that, and as soon as it finished I screamed the loudest in the crowd and he smiled down at me. They soon started singing another song called, "Tally it Up, Settle the Score". I went back to the bar area and ordered 5 more shots of tequila. As soon as I drank the fifth one, I realized I was a bit tipsy. I have no idea where Jace and Hailey are, so I go looking for them. I found them five minutes later, they were at a little table having some shots. I soon joined. They were still pretty much sober, which surprised me. Jace usually gets hammered when we go to bars, and Hailey would be tipsy by now. But, they weren't, which is good because I'm already tipsy, so when I get drunk, if I do, they can take care of little me. I kept on giggling a lot and soon realized I had to go pee. So, I told Jace and Hailey where I was going and they said they would wait for me at the table. I said, "Ok.", and I left to go do my business.

As I was going to the restroom, Sleeping With Sirens was getting off the stage. I went inside and did what I had to do, and as I was leaving to meet up with my friends, this drunk dude that looked like he was in his 50s grabbed my arm.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now